UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Hotel Complex – Case study the Town of Deçan





The hotel industry is at the heart of the hospitality system. This comes from the oldest traditions in the history of mankind - respect for the guest, celebration of his reception and service. It organically and naturally connects restaurants, cafes, transport and excursions into a single chain of tourist and excursion services. Today, the hotel industry as a kind of economic activity involves the provision of services and the organization of short stays in hotels, motels, camps and other accommodation facilities for a fee and represents the most powerful economic system in a region or tourist center. In our country, during these last two decades, the interest for the hospitality industry, including hotel and tourist services, has steadily increased. So the main idea of the selected topic is about a very important potential of our country, tourism and the rich nature that it offers, which means that there is perspective not only now but also in the future. The main purpose of designing a modern hotel complex in the town of Deçan, lies in the fact that such complexes in a municipality of about 42 villages are missing, taking into account the picturesque nature of Deçan and the great opportunities for tourism development in an area, quite rich mountains and the proximity to the natural park Bjeshkët e Nemura (Albanian Alps), where the extension of Deçan is estimated to be at a distance of about 100 m in the air line from Bjeshkët e Nemura (Albanian Alps). This topic tries to touch on a multifunctionality of topics, important and potential, taking into account our modest possibilities as a state. Design of the Hotel Complex in the town of Deçan, which includes the Hotel building as the main building and other buildings such as mostly traditional mountain villas with small modern doses, traditional mill and stable building, which are considered as secondary buildings in this case with feature traditional and recreational, was born as a great need for this city to have a strong identification base, to walk in the course of development of mountain tourism on the one hand and the aspect of heritage on the other hand, as the town and municipality in general is distinguished with these two elements.


Hotel industry, hospitality, tourism, multifunctionality, national road, heritage.

Session Chair

Besa Jagxhiu

Session Co-Chair

Venera Goxha

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosove

Start Date

30-10-2021 3:15 PM

End Date

30-10-2021 4:45 PM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Oct 30th, 3:15 PM Oct 30th, 4:45 PM

Hotel Complex – Case study the Town of Deçan

Lipjan, Kosove

The hotel industry is at the heart of the hospitality system. This comes from the oldest traditions in the history of mankind - respect for the guest, celebration of his reception and service. It organically and naturally connects restaurants, cafes, transport and excursions into a single chain of tourist and excursion services. Today, the hotel industry as a kind of economic activity involves the provision of services and the organization of short stays in hotels, motels, camps and other accommodation facilities for a fee and represents the most powerful economic system in a region or tourist center. In our country, during these last two decades, the interest for the hospitality industry, including hotel and tourist services, has steadily increased. So the main idea of the selected topic is about a very important potential of our country, tourism and the rich nature that it offers, which means that there is perspective not only now but also in the future. The main purpose of designing a modern hotel complex in the town of Deçan, lies in the fact that such complexes in a municipality of about 42 villages are missing, taking into account the picturesque nature of Deçan and the great opportunities for tourism development in an area, quite rich mountains and the proximity to the natural park Bjeshkët e Nemura (Albanian Alps), where the extension of Deçan is estimated to be at a distance of about 100 m in the air line from Bjeshkët e Nemura (Albanian Alps). This topic tries to touch on a multifunctionality of topics, important and potential, taking into account our modest possibilities as a state. Design of the Hotel Complex in the town of Deçan, which includes the Hotel building as the main building and other buildings such as mostly traditional mountain villas with small modern doses, traditional mill and stable building, which are considered as secondary buildings in this case with feature traditional and recreational, was born as a great need for this city to have a strong identification base, to walk in the course of development of mountain tourism on the one hand and the aspect of heritage on the other hand, as the town and municipality in general is distinguished with these two elements.