UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: 'Fashion Settled/ Unsettled





Fashion is about change and about challenging the status quo which at present is uncertain. Citizens and fashion professionals are questioning the frivolous approach to fashion and exploring ways in which fashion can contribute to driving change- not only ecologically but socially and politically.

Historically, political and leading figures in society have long understood the power of fashion and they used it to convey status, values, and affiliations, just as the people have used it to protest or approve certain matters, both socially and politically.

Fashion as a sincere expression of our external identity regardless of climatic conditions / season, social status, position in society / profession, has been an expression or reflection of a fundamental human need to decorate and promote oneself, but nowadays it has also become a tool to put forward statements, to protest and/or to approve. It is an aesthetic way of expression, it can represent a lifestyle and is multi-faceted.

Historical overview of fashion statements by the political figures, by the people and also by the more famous celebrities will be discussed. Furthermore, the impact of everyday fashion items will be illustrated using creative visuals.


fashion, change, political, social, history, identity, creative

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM




Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

'Fashion Settled/ Unsettled

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Fashion is about change and about challenging the status quo which at present is uncertain. Citizens and fashion professionals are questioning the frivolous approach to fashion and exploring ways in which fashion can contribute to driving change- not only ecologically but socially and politically.

Historically, political and leading figures in society have long understood the power of fashion and they used it to convey status, values, and affiliations, just as the people have used it to protest or approve certain matters, both socially and politically.

Fashion as a sincere expression of our external identity regardless of climatic conditions / season, social status, position in society / profession, has been an expression or reflection of a fundamental human need to decorate and promote oneself, but nowadays it has also become a tool to put forward statements, to protest and/or to approve. It is an aesthetic way of expression, it can represent a lifestyle and is multi-faceted.

Historical overview of fashion statements by the political figures, by the people and also by the more famous celebrities will be discussed. Furthermore, the impact of everyday fashion items will be illustrated using creative visuals.