Ms. Pranvera Boshnjaku who was born and raised in Gjakova emigrated to the United 30 years ago. She was a successful Financial Economist who worked in a variety of roles in the financial industry and economic development for 24 years. Due to corporate restructuring in her last company Pranvera lost her position and was in a process of interviewing with other companies in her field when the pandemic hit the United States of America back in March 2020. The COVID19 situation in U.S. hospitals was very dire and lack of PPE for essential workers became the main topic in the news. Pranvera took action and answered the call for help and started sewing surgical masks to meet that emergent need. Who knew that a skill a skill she learned watching her beloved grandpa sew in Gjakova as a little girl, would come handy so many years later and help protect thousands of US doctors and staff during the worse global pandemic of our lifetime. What started as a solo sewing project for Pranvera became a full-fledged humanitarian initiative - Sew for Health Initiative which attracted 40 volunteers from Washington-DC area. Together they produced and donated thousands of premium quality surgical masks to 28 hospitals in 15 states across America. Her activity got so much attention and was featured on major US TV stations encouraging others to create similar initiatives to help first responders who needed PPE Supplies. Once the PPE humanitarian mission in the US was over, she came to Kosovo to visit her family and while here, together with incredible designers/artisans she designed and produced over 80+ fashion mask designs to compliment different styles including street style, edgy mask, classy and luxury masks for special occasions. All the masks wer handmade with a lot of love to add some beauty and perfectly complement women’s wardrobes.
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
UBT Kampus, Lipjan
Start Date
30-10-2021 12:00 AM
End Date
30-10-2021 12:00 AM
Recommended Citation
Boshnjaku, Pranvera, "'Fashion in PandemicCovid19 '" (2021). UBT International Conference. 133.
'Fashion in PandemicCovid19 '
UBT Kampus, Lipjan
Ms. Pranvera Boshnjaku who was born and raised in Gjakova emigrated to the United 30 years ago. She was a successful Financial Economist who worked in a variety of roles in the financial industry and economic development for 24 years. Due to corporate restructuring in her last company Pranvera lost her position and was in a process of interviewing with other companies in her field when the pandemic hit the United States of America back in March 2020. The COVID19 situation in U.S. hospitals was very dire and lack of PPE for essential workers became the main topic in the news. Pranvera took action and answered the call for help and started sewing surgical masks to meet that emergent need. Who knew that a skill a skill she learned watching her beloved grandpa sew in Gjakova as a little girl, would come handy so many years later and help protect thousands of US doctors and staff during the worse global pandemic of our lifetime. What started as a solo sewing project for Pranvera became a full-fledged humanitarian initiative - Sew for Health Initiative which attracted 40 volunteers from Washington-DC area. Together they produced and donated thousands of premium quality surgical masks to 28 hospitals in 15 states across America. Her activity got so much attention and was featured on major US TV stations encouraging others to create similar initiatives to help first responders who needed PPE Supplies. Once the PPE humanitarian mission in the US was over, she came to Kosovo to visit her family and while here, together with incredible designers/artisans she designed and produced over 80+ fashion mask designs to compliment different styles including street style, edgy mask, classy and luxury masks for special occasions. All the masks wer handmade with a lot of love to add some beauty and perfectly complement women’s wardrobes.