UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Determination of motoric requirement level for female physical education and sport science students based on body joints


Determination of motoric requirement level for female physical education and sport science students based on body joints


Sport, Health and Society


The aim of the study is determination of motor skills (force, flexibility, and mobility) requirement level for female physical education and sport students based on body joints. The study consists of 10 female physical education and sport students of Istanbul Gelisim University, who voluntarily were part of the study. The study meets the Helsinki Declaration and is approved by the ethics commission of Istanbul Gelisim University. Determination of the force level was made by using bench press on the smith machine, smith machine squats, smith machine shoulder press, dumbbell bench press, barbell squat, and barbell shoulders press tests. flexibility and mobility tests consist of the forward-backward split, leg raises forward, side split, leg raise sideward, arm trunk angle (flexion and extension), and seat reach hip angle degree. During the data collection, Kinovea 0.9.4 and the ‘’1RM’’ app was used. Data analysis in the study was made by using the IBM SPSS statistics 26 programs. Determination of the level (norm values) of force, flexibility, and mobility made by using the percentile(s) statistics. Force, flexibility, and mobility requirement levels were given in four categories (20th, 40th, 60th, 80th) and middle fifty (50th). As the results of the study were determined force, flexibility, and mobility requirement levels (norm values) for female physical education and sport students. Besides this, the study determines the middle fifty of norm values for each motor test included in the study, which may help in data comparison between different studies, countries, and athlete categories. Based on the results has determined the force, flexibility, and mobility requirements level of physical education and sport science students which provides the possibility to update the content of certain lessons of sport science faculties. Thus, may increase the student's motor abilities which are directly related to the coaching performance.


Force, Flexibility, Mobility, Norm Values, Female Students, Sport Science, Coaching

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Determination of motoric requirement level for female physical education and sport science students based on body joints

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The aim of the study is determination of motor skills (force, flexibility, and mobility) requirement level for female physical education and sport students based on body joints. The study consists of 10 female physical education and sport students of Istanbul Gelisim University, who voluntarily were part of the study. The study meets the Helsinki Declaration and is approved by the ethics commission of Istanbul Gelisim University. Determination of the force level was made by using bench press on the smith machine, smith machine squats, smith machine shoulder press, dumbbell bench press, barbell squat, and barbell shoulders press tests. flexibility and mobility tests consist of the forward-backward split, leg raises forward, side split, leg raise sideward, arm trunk angle (flexion and extension), and seat reach hip angle degree. During the data collection, Kinovea 0.9.4 and the ‘’1RM’’ app was used. Data analysis in the study was made by using the IBM SPSS statistics 26 programs. Determination of the level (norm values) of force, flexibility, and mobility made by using the percentile(s) statistics. Force, flexibility, and mobility requirement levels were given in four categories (20th, 40th, 60th, 80th) and middle fifty (50th). As the results of the study were determined force, flexibility, and mobility requirement levels (norm values) for female physical education and sport students. Besides this, the study determines the middle fifty of norm values for each motor test included in the study, which may help in data comparison between different studies, countries, and athlete categories. Based on the results has determined the force, flexibility, and mobility requirements level of physical education and sport science students which provides the possibility to update the content of certain lessons of sport science faculties. Thus, may increase the student's motor abilities which are directly related to the coaching performance.