he general goal of earthquake engineering is identification and mitigation of seismic hazards. Seismic microzonation is the generic name for subdividing a region into individual areas having different potentials for hazardous earthquake effects, defining their specific seismic behavior in order to facilitate engineering design and land-use planning.
In seismic regions, the aspect of seismic risk must be taken into account in the first stages of projects, thus enabling the realization of a structural and quality system, within acceptable costs, satisfying the basic design requirement of a building, based on the seismic parameters of the ground.
Seismic and geophysical studies in urban areas give us the seismic parameters of how suitable the soils are for high-rise buildings.
In this scientific paper are the shows final results of the seismic investigations, seismic hazard and effects of local soil medium analysis of Urban zone Montith.
The results from the seismic hazard and site response analysis are presented through the effects upon the amplitude and frequency characteristics of expected ground motion from the future seismic activity.
Seismology, Seismicity, Earthquake, Seismic risk
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
Lipjan, Kosove
Start Date
30-10-2021 12:00 AM
End Date
30-10-2021 12:00 AM
Recommended Citation
Mustafa, Shemsi; Krelani, Visar; Beqiri, Lulzim; and Sinani, Besian, "INVESTIGATION, STUDY AND SEISMIC HAZARD ANALYSIS FOR URBAN ZONE MONTITH" (2021). UBT International Conference. 16.
Lipjan, Kosove
he general goal of earthquake engineering is identification and mitigation of seismic hazards. Seismic microzonation is the generic name for subdividing a region into individual areas having different potentials for hazardous earthquake effects, defining their specific seismic behavior in order to facilitate engineering design and land-use planning.
In seismic regions, the aspect of seismic risk must be taken into account in the first stages of projects, thus enabling the realization of a structural and quality system, within acceptable costs, satisfying the basic design requirement of a building, based on the seismic parameters of the ground.
Seismic and geophysical studies in urban areas give us the seismic parameters of how suitable the soils are for high-rise buildings.
In this scientific paper are the shows final results of the seismic investigations, seismic hazard and effects of local soil medium analysis of Urban zone Montith.
The results from the seismic hazard and site response analysis are presented through the effects upon the amplitude and frequency characteristics of expected ground motion from the future seismic activity.