UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Nursing care for arterio-venous fistula and its complications


Nursing care for arterio-venous fistula and its complications


Medicine and Nursing


Introduction: Hemodialysis is a temporary treatment for patients that are canidate for Kidney Transplant and a permanent treatment for patients with end stage kidney disease that has no chance for the Kidney transplant. Although arteriovenous fistulas is a most appropriate approach for hemodialysis because of longevity it is transplantation. Although vascular artery fistula is the most appropriate approach because of its longevity, it is still accompanied by complications.

Purpose: This research aims to evaluate the nursing care plan in the treatment of patients with FAV in the Hemodialysis Department at UCCK and to assess patients' knowledge about AVF self-care and its complications.

Methodology: The research is quantitative conducted through a semi-structured questionnaire. Two types of patient questionnaires were used and nurse. The questionnaires are based on and adapted to the standards of the National Kidney Foundation and Clinical Practice Guidelines and Recommendations (KDOQI). The number of subjects was 110 per patient and 36 nurses. The obtained data were grouped according to the questions and statistical processing was done with SPSS program (version 21) and Excel 2007. The calculation of statistical age parameters was done according to the average age, minimum, maximum and variability measures. Verification of tests is done with Pearson test which the reliability rate for p <0.001 with probability 99.9%, and p <0.05 with 95% probability. The presentation of data is presented through tables and graphs.

Results: The data obtained showed 69.4% of nurses stated that they clean their hands regularly before vascular access while 1 or 2.8% stated: sometimes and never. A significant ratio was found between hand cleaning before vascular access and wearing gloves before switching on / off (r = 710, p <00.1). In assessing patients' knowledge about vascular access self-care, we have these data that out of 110 people 48 (43.6%) stated that they are always careful not to weigh AVF during sleep while 1.8% denied self-care in this regard. Significant correlation was found between non-balance of AVF hand during sleep and non-measurement of blood pressure in the hand where AVF is located (r = 334, p <00, 1). Complications of AVF such as Stenosis and Thrombosis are observed in 16.4% of patients, Aneurysm and Infection is emphasized in 27.3% while the fad (function) of AVF is observed in 77.3% of patients.

Conclusion: Based on all the research data it necessary for continuous professional education of nurses about fistula puncture techniques, follow-up of complicated fistula puncture with ultrasonography, observance of aseptic measures and awareness of patients for increased self-care related to AVF.


Hemodialysis, care, self-care, vascular access, complications

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Nursing care for arterio-venous fistula and its complications

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Introduction: Hemodialysis is a temporary treatment for patients that are canidate for Kidney Transplant and a permanent treatment for patients with end stage kidney disease that has no chance for the Kidney transplant. Although arteriovenous fistulas is a most appropriate approach for hemodialysis because of longevity it is transplantation. Although vascular artery fistula is the most appropriate approach because of its longevity, it is still accompanied by complications.

Purpose: This research aims to evaluate the nursing care plan in the treatment of patients with FAV in the Hemodialysis Department at UCCK and to assess patients' knowledge about AVF self-care and its complications.

Methodology: The research is quantitative conducted through a semi-structured questionnaire. Two types of patient questionnaires were used and nurse. The questionnaires are based on and adapted to the standards of the National Kidney Foundation and Clinical Practice Guidelines and Recommendations (KDOQI). The number of subjects was 110 per patient and 36 nurses. The obtained data were grouped according to the questions and statistical processing was done with SPSS program (version 21) and Excel 2007. The calculation of statistical age parameters was done according to the average age, minimum, maximum and variability measures. Verification of tests is done with Pearson test which the reliability rate for p <0.001 with probability 99.9%, and p <0.05 with 95% probability. The presentation of data is presented through tables and graphs.

Results: The data obtained showed 69.4% of nurses stated that they clean their hands regularly before vascular access while 1 or 2.8% stated: sometimes and never. A significant ratio was found between hand cleaning before vascular access and wearing gloves before switching on / off (r = 710, p <00.1). In assessing patients' knowledge about vascular access self-care, we have these data that out of 110 people 48 (43.6%) stated that they are always careful not to weigh AVF during sleep while 1.8% denied self-care in this regard. Significant correlation was found between non-balance of AVF hand during sleep and non-measurement of blood pressure in the hand where AVF is located (r = 334, p <00, 1). Complications of AVF such as Stenosis and Thrombosis are observed in 16.4% of patients, Aneurysm and Infection is emphasized in 27.3% while the fad (function) of AVF is observed in 77.3% of patients.

Conclusion: Based on all the research data it necessary for continuous professional education of nurses about fistula puncture techniques, follow-up of complicated fistula puncture with ultrasonography, observance of aseptic measures and awareness of patients for increased self-care related to AVF.