UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Nursing care in patients with anemia


Nursing care in patients with anemia


Medicine and Nursing


Introduction: The reason why I studied anemia is due to the fact that in our country these cases are frequent, anemia is due to lack of iron in the body, so it is important to educate and teach patients that iron can be taken into the body through foods, plants that are characterized by iron content, fruits and vegetables.

Purpose: My goal is to learn as much as possible about the complications caused by this disease such as: fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. Treatment is based on the main preparation which is iron. Many cases of sideropenic anemia can be overcome if iron-rich foods are taken. and on a regular basis. The paper will discuss the classification of anemias, the etiological and morphological division of anemia, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment and also about possible complications of possible diseases and health care. Based on the history, talking to the patient about his illness, examining the patient and calculating the blood, determine the existence of anemia. Approaches to treating anemia are different and also depend a lot on the cause of the anemia. The doctor determines the treatment strategy, such as the use of certain medications and food-changing habits.

Material and methods: Utilized in the paper entitled "Nursing care for patients with anemia" stands oriented to three specific phases of research, such as: thinking about research, research preparation and data collection. The preparatory work is mainly based on the research method in the literature, while to achieve all the objectives of the paper, we have used the method of analysis by analyzing reports and publications on the topic always referred to the laws that are in force regarding responsibilities. epidemiological and public health protection.

Results: The research sample consists of 20 respondents who were in the rehabilitation phase with anemia. Data were collected through research of 10 questions where patients were surveyed. The average age of the participants was that they were being trained in the hospital starting from adulthood to adulthood.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Nursing care in patients with anemia

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Introduction: The reason why I studied anemia is due to the fact that in our country these cases are frequent, anemia is due to lack of iron in the body, so it is important to educate and teach patients that iron can be taken into the body through foods, plants that are characterized by iron content, fruits and vegetables.

Purpose: My goal is to learn as much as possible about the complications caused by this disease such as: fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. Treatment is based on the main preparation which is iron. Many cases of sideropenic anemia can be overcome if iron-rich foods are taken. and on a regular basis. The paper will discuss the classification of anemias, the etiological and morphological division of anemia, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment and also about possible complications of possible diseases and health care. Based on the history, talking to the patient about his illness, examining the patient and calculating the blood, determine the existence of anemia. Approaches to treating anemia are different and also depend a lot on the cause of the anemia. The doctor determines the treatment strategy, such as the use of certain medications and food-changing habits.

Material and methods: Utilized in the paper entitled "Nursing care for patients with anemia" stands oriented to three specific phases of research, such as: thinking about research, research preparation and data collection. The preparatory work is mainly based on the research method in the literature, while to achieve all the objectives of the paper, we have used the method of analysis by analyzing reports and publications on the topic always referred to the laws that are in force regarding responsibilities. epidemiological and public health protection.

Results: The research sample consists of 20 respondents who were in the rehabilitation phase with anemia. Data were collected through research of 10 questions where patients were surveyed. The average age of the participants was that they were being trained in the hospital starting from adulthood to adulthood.