UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Urbanism and Architecture after Crises


Urbanism and Architecture after Crises

Presenter Information

Skender Kosumi


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Is a city still worth to live in, despite the climate crisis, rising temperatures, increasing air pollution and pandemic? Do these situations and concerns cause issue or additional problems that slows down ecological unwanted developments? Almost everyone in the world has an unusual experience caused by the Corona Virus. Getting forced to stay at home arouses a new spectrum of feelings and changes our reality. Our living spaces are being used differently and more closely than ever before, in a very intense and intrusive way, by giving us the feeling we need more space and changing the priorities or purposes of using the spaces within our homes. Are Architecture and Urbanism going to change after the Corona Virus crises? If we look back on the history of development of the urban areas, many cities have been redefined in a radical way after big crises. Can this happen after the corona crises as well? In which way? Digitalizing the cities is an option, as well as including more healthy and comfortable living conditions within the city such as fresh air, light and Sun. These are for sure just some of the many important concerns for quality life in the post modern cities.


Urbanism, Architecture, Housing and Corona, Climate change. Cities and Digitalisation.

Session Chair

Binak Beqaj

Session Co-Chair

Elvida Pallaska

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

30-10-2021 1:30 PM

End Date

30-10-2021 3:00 PM



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Oct 30th, 1:30 PM Oct 30th, 3:00 PM

Urbanism and Architecture after Crises

Lipjan, Kosovo

Is a city still worth to live in, despite the climate crisis, rising temperatures, increasing air pollution and pandemic? Do these situations and concerns cause issue or additional problems that slows down ecological unwanted developments? Almost everyone in the world has an unusual experience caused by the Corona Virus. Getting forced to stay at home arouses a new spectrum of feelings and changes our reality. Our living spaces are being used differently and more closely than ever before, in a very intense and intrusive way, by giving us the feeling we need more space and changing the priorities or purposes of using the spaces within our homes. Are Architecture and Urbanism going to change after the Corona Virus crises? If we look back on the history of development of the urban areas, many cities have been redefined in a radical way after big crises. Can this happen after the corona crises as well? In which way? Digitalizing the cities is an option, as well as including more healthy and comfortable living conditions within the city such as fresh air, light and Sun. These are for sure just some of the many important concerns for quality life in the post modern cities.