UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Features of the electoral process of compulsory voting in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic by the analysis of social media content on Twitter (using the example of the elections in the Province of Misiones of the Argentine Republic in 2021


Features of the electoral process of compulsory voting in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic by the analysis of social media content on Twitter (using the example of the elections in the Province of Misiones of the Argentine Republic in 2021

Presenter Information

Marmilova E. P.


Political Science


Covid-19 is part of the topic for blogging. The aim of the article is to identify of changes of organization and conduct of elections in connection with of the COVID-19 pandemic by the monitor of the blogs in September 2021 in Russia and aboard. To write this article, we used monitoring social media Brand24. In September 2021, 18.3% of all election blogs mention Covid-19. The conduct of elections during the COVID-19 period required addressing the wider use of electronic voting and voting by mail. Elections during the COVID-19 period are held with strict measures against COVID-19. Political parties and candidates have limited meetings with their voters, and voter campaigning has become an online format. The following issues appeared on the agenda: 1) on attracting voters to polling stations in the context of COVID-19; 2) voter participation in elections with COVID-19 symptoms; 3) reducing the ecological footprint of elections by developing policies to effectively prevent and reduce the generation of waste, including waste associated with COVID-19.


electoral process, COVID-19 pandemic, blogging

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Features of the electoral process of compulsory voting in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic by the analysis of social media content on Twitter (using the example of the elections in the Province of Misiones of the Argentine Republic in 2021

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Covid-19 is part of the topic for blogging. The aim of the article is to identify of changes of organization and conduct of elections in connection with of the COVID-19 pandemic by the monitor of the blogs in September 2021 in Russia and aboard. To write this article, we used monitoring social media Brand24. In September 2021, 18.3% of all election blogs mention Covid-19. The conduct of elections during the COVID-19 period required addressing the wider use of electronic voting and voting by mail. Elections during the COVID-19 period are held with strict measures against COVID-19. Political parties and candidates have limited meetings with their voters, and voter campaigning has become an online format. The following issues appeared on the agenda: 1) on attracting voters to polling stations in the context of COVID-19; 2) voter participation in elections with COVID-19 symptoms; 3) reducing the ecological footprint of elections by developing policies to effectively prevent and reduce the generation of waste, including waste associated with COVID-19.