UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Subsidizing fiscal policy in support of the agricultural sector- The case of Kosovo


Subsidizing fiscal policy in support of the agricultural sector- The case of Kosovo

Presenter Information

Mjellma Bujupi


Political Science


The paper analyzes the impact of subsidies, in the form of direct payments in the agricultural sector in Kosovo. The analysis is made more complete by data on production, exports and imports, which are taken as a basis from 2014-2018.

Given the fact that Kosovo has high potential in agricultural development, it is very important to analyze this sector and this is done through the OLS regression model with the Stata program.

The paper uses data from secondary sources such as the Kosovo Agency of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development as well as other local and international sources which provide data on agricultural subsidies based on production, exports and imports.

Based on the findings of the paper, it is shown that production is a very important factor in which subsidies have an impact. So, of all the other factors taken for analysis, subsidies have the greatest impact on output growth. Agricultural subsidies are a very important tool in increasing production as they indirectly affect the reduction of imports of agricultural products. In line with the findings of the paper, the paper suggests that subsidies should serve as a mechanism in increasing production and reducing imports.


Agriculture, Subsidies, Production, Export, Import, Kosovo

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Subsidizing fiscal policy in support of the agricultural sector- The case of Kosovo

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The paper analyzes the impact of subsidies, in the form of direct payments in the agricultural sector in Kosovo. The analysis is made more complete by data on production, exports and imports, which are taken as a basis from 2014-2018.

Given the fact that Kosovo has high potential in agricultural development, it is very important to analyze this sector and this is done through the OLS regression model with the Stata program.

The paper uses data from secondary sources such as the Kosovo Agency of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development as well as other local and international sources which provide data on agricultural subsidies based on production, exports and imports.

Based on the findings of the paper, it is shown that production is a very important factor in which subsidies have an impact. So, of all the other factors taken for analysis, subsidies have the greatest impact on output growth. Agricultural subsidies are a very important tool in increasing production as they indirectly affect the reduction of imports of agricultural products. In line with the findings of the paper, the paper suggests that subsidies should serve as a mechanism in increasing production and reducing imports.