UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Stylization of folk songs-changes in form


Stylization of folk songs-changes in form


Modern Music, Digital Production and Management


Many traditional city folk songs today are stylized by various singers and instrumentalists. The change of these songs has resulted in the enrichment of the general fund of traditional city folk songs but also the possibility of a new vision of these same songs by the new generations. The embracing of these songs by the younger generations is a very good sign that folklore and folk songs seem to make "a second life" nowadays.

For these stylizations, respectively for the changes that have been made to these songs in the formal phraseological construction, will be discussed in this Scientific Paper where there will be no modal, rhythmic, melodic, harmonic or even cadence related treatment.

Through concrete examples we will see how the same songs are (re) created in various variants, with or without lyrics, with or without shortcomings, with or without additions, with or without instrumental accompaniment. The examples will be accessible to any reader and will have the character of example and quantity. Also, the examples will not be the same in nature in order to include as many cases and, consequently, as many songs. Since traditional city folk songs are diverse, even the changes in form that have been made to them, are of the most varied including additions or omissions. We think it is a message that deserves considerable attention as it has to do with our spiritual heritage.


Civic folk songs, Stylization of songs, Changes in form, Spiritual heritage.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page



UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Stylization of folk songs-changes in form

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Many traditional city folk songs today are stylized by various singers and instrumentalists. The change of these songs has resulted in the enrichment of the general fund of traditional city folk songs but also the possibility of a new vision of these same songs by the new generations. The embracing of these songs by the younger generations is a very good sign that folklore and folk songs seem to make "a second life" nowadays.

For these stylizations, respectively for the changes that have been made to these songs in the formal phraseological construction, will be discussed in this Scientific Paper where there will be no modal, rhythmic, melodic, harmonic or even cadence related treatment.

Through concrete examples we will see how the same songs are (re) created in various variants, with or without lyrics, with or without shortcomings, with or without additions, with or without instrumental accompaniment. The examples will be accessible to any reader and will have the character of example and quantity. Also, the examples will not be the same in nature in order to include as many cases and, consequently, as many songs. Since traditional city folk songs are diverse, even the changes in form that have been made to them, are of the most varied including additions or omissions. We think it is a message that deserves considerable attention as it has to do with our spiritual heritage.