UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The use of cladding system as a mean to improve seismic behavior in high rise buildings


The use of cladding system as a mean to improve seismic behavior in high rise buildings


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


Earthquakes, as we all know, are one of the most serious natural disasters which have the potential to cause damage to infrastructure and livelihood facilities, therefore seismic design of the structure is very important for the behavior of the structure and its performance.

Cladding systems are those prefabricated elements that resist and transfer negligible load from other elements of the structure.

This research examines the potential for damping the seismic energy of the structure by focusing on new specific structural nodes to connect the cladding system to the frame of the main structure. If we consider the traditional connection, we can say that the joint consists of rigid connections of the cladding panels resulting in seismic design that only considers the weight of the panel itself. This means that the contribution of the cladding system to the behavior of the structure is negligible Several studies have been conducted to study the interaction between the cladding system and the structure during seismic actions and it has been found that if we are dealing with seismic cladding

design, the coating system is capable of distributing seismic energy. (Institute, 2007) It is very common in modern buildings to use cladding panels for the exterior facade. The function of these cladding panels is primarily architectural, but it also protects the interior from environmental factors. They are classified and designed as non-structural elements, and are considered as a weightless element that does not contribute to any structural function in the building. Facade design is a basic expression of architecture and therefore the design of cladding panels is mainly guided by aesthetic considerations. The materials and structure of the panel, their contours, the number and location of window openings, and the pattern of the cladding configuration are all powerful tools that architects use to determine the style of a building. In addition, cladding panels must meet several practical criteria: they must be able to transmit wind forces and their weight to the main structure; the facade should provide a first line of protection against environmental phenomena such as humidity or temperature changes; and panels must also resist environmental changes.

During an earthquake the behavior of the coating will be dictated by the cyclic interaction between the panels and the primary supporting structure, and the connections are usually subjected to three primary effects simultaneously:

a. the forces of inertia generated by the acceleration of the panel, transmitted from the panel to the main structure through the shear force of the joints;

b. Horizontal inter-story drift resisted by the panels resulting in horizontal shear forces at the joints. c. the gravity load of the panels supported by the ‘bearing’ joints.

In this study the focus is placed on prefabricated concrete cladding panels. Prefabricated concrete cladding is a non-structural system sensitive to seismic interstitial accelerations and their displacement (story drifts). Coating panels should be designed to withstand forces, especially in the direction of off-plane movement, and to be placed in plan with floor drifts. Currently, these important issues are quite widely addressed in design codes, leaving details in the free choice and experience of the designer.


Cladding system, non-structural element, engineering joints, seismic performance

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The use of cladding system as a mean to improve seismic behavior in high rise buildings

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Earthquakes, as we all know, are one of the most serious natural disasters which have the potential to cause damage to infrastructure and livelihood facilities, therefore seismic design of the structure is very important for the behavior of the structure and its performance.

Cladding systems are those prefabricated elements that resist and transfer negligible load from other elements of the structure.

This research examines the potential for damping the seismic energy of the structure by focusing on new specific structural nodes to connect the cladding system to the frame of the main structure. If we consider the traditional connection, we can say that the joint consists of rigid connections of the cladding panels resulting in seismic design that only considers the weight of the panel itself. This means that the contribution of the cladding system to the behavior of the structure is negligible Several studies have been conducted to study the interaction between the cladding system and the structure during seismic actions and it has been found that if we are dealing with seismic cladding

design, the coating system is capable of distributing seismic energy. (Institute, 2007) It is very common in modern buildings to use cladding panels for the exterior facade. The function of these cladding panels is primarily architectural, but it also protects the interior from environmental factors. They are classified and designed as non-structural elements, and are considered as a weightless element that does not contribute to any structural function in the building. Facade design is a basic expression of architecture and therefore the design of cladding panels is mainly guided by aesthetic considerations. The materials and structure of the panel, their contours, the number and location of window openings, and the pattern of the cladding configuration are all powerful tools that architects use to determine the style of a building. In addition, cladding panels must meet several practical criteria: they must be able to transmit wind forces and their weight to the main structure; the facade should provide a first line of protection against environmental phenomena such as humidity or temperature changes; and panels must also resist environmental changes.

During an earthquake the behavior of the coating will be dictated by the cyclic interaction between the panels and the primary supporting structure, and the connections are usually subjected to three primary effects simultaneously:

a. the forces of inertia generated by the acceleration of the panel, transmitted from the panel to the main structure through the shear force of the joints;

b. Horizontal inter-story drift resisted by the panels resulting in horizontal shear forces at the joints. c. the gravity load of the panels supported by the ‘bearing’ joints.

In this study the focus is placed on prefabricated concrete cladding panels. Prefabricated concrete cladding is a non-structural system sensitive to seismic interstitial accelerations and their displacement (story drifts). Coating panels should be designed to withstand forces, especially in the direction of off-plane movement, and to be placed in plan with floor drifts. Currently, these important issues are quite widely addressed in design codes, leaving details in the free choice and experience of the designer.