UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Learning English as a Foreign Language: The Role of Gender Differences in Personality, Learning Style, and Motivation


Learning English as a Foreign Language: The Role of Gender Differences in Personality, Learning Style, and Motivation


Language and Culture


. Lately, the topic of learners’ differences and how that affects students’ academic performance has arisen the curiosity of many scholars in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning. Motivation, students’ personality, learning styles, and types of learners have continuously been examined. Moreover, the correlation between the above-mentioned factors and success in learning a foreign language has been taken into consideration and it has been claimed that individuals differ from one another in the aspect of how they learn the language (Dulay et al., 1982; Ellis, 2004; Altunel, 2015). As students have individual learning styles, personalities and motivation, the main aim ofthis paper was on examining gender differences in learning style preferences and students’ motivation to learn EFL. The idea that male and female students have various personalities, learning styles, and motivation was shown to be substantial in the analysis. Thus, it is intended that the findings will contribute to EFL research on learning styles, and that the study's findings would have practical implications for students and EFL teachers.


EFL learning, learning styles, motivation, personality, gender differences

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Learning English as a Foreign Language: The Role of Gender Differences in Personality, Learning Style, and Motivation

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

. Lately, the topic of learners’ differences and how that affects students’ academic performance has arisen the curiosity of many scholars in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning. Motivation, students’ personality, learning styles, and types of learners have continuously been examined. Moreover, the correlation between the above-mentioned factors and success in learning a foreign language has been taken into consideration and it has been claimed that individuals differ from one another in the aspect of how they learn the language (Dulay et al., 1982; Ellis, 2004; Altunel, 2015). As students have individual learning styles, personalities and motivation, the main aim ofthis paper was on examining gender differences in learning style preferences and students’ motivation to learn EFL. The idea that male and female students have various personalities, learning styles, and motivation was shown to be substantial in the analysis. Thus, it is intended that the findings will contribute to EFL research on learning styles, and that the study's findings would have practical implications for students and EFL teachers.