UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Lean Six Sigma for Public Sector Process Visibility Improvement - Case Study



Management, Business and Economics


This paper addresses quality management in the public sector, namely the application of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methods to increase the visibility of the flow of procedures in the administration of public institutions. Visibility of administrative procedures flow helps the citizen to better understand how an administrative process begins, how it develops, who is involved, how long it lasts and when it ends. This transparency in the process guarantees satisfaction and security for the citizen. In order to achieve the intended result of this study, public institutions at the local level, respectively municipality and the center for social issues, are observed. The current state of visibility of the procedures has been identified, defects are identified and listed, measured, the causes of the defects are learned, the action plan has been proposed and the change of the situation is been verified. The methodology applied in this study is based on the Lean Six Sigma - DMADV technique (Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, and Verify). Thanks to DMADV methodology, a practical solution has been proposed that improves the visibility of procedures in the municipal administration. Public sector should consider investing in the application of LSS methods in order to increase creativity among employees for quality flow of information by making them clear, cheep, simple and fast for citizens.


Lean Six Sigma, DMADV, Public Administration, Process Visibility

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



Included in

Business Commons


Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Lean Six Sigma for Public Sector Process Visibility Improvement - Case Study

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

This paper addresses quality management in the public sector, namely the application of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methods to increase the visibility of the flow of procedures in the administration of public institutions. Visibility of administrative procedures flow helps the citizen to better understand how an administrative process begins, how it develops, who is involved, how long it lasts and when it ends. This transparency in the process guarantees satisfaction and security for the citizen. In order to achieve the intended result of this study, public institutions at the local level, respectively municipality and the center for social issues, are observed. The current state of visibility of the procedures has been identified, defects are identified and listed, measured, the causes of the defects are learned, the action plan has been proposed and the change of the situation is been verified. The methodology applied in this study is based on the Lean Six Sigma - DMADV technique (Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, and Verify). Thanks to DMADV methodology, a practical solution has been proposed that improves the visibility of procedures in the municipal administration. Public sector should consider investing in the application of LSS methods in order to increase creativity among employees for quality flow of information by making them clear, cheep, simple and fast for citizens.