UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Localized Apparatuses in Teaching Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions


Localized Apparatuses in Teaching Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions

Presenter Information

Nieva Jun I. Duya


Education and Development


The study sought to determine as to which among the three proposed apparatuses namely: localized aqueous solution lamp, localized aqueous solution mini fan and localized aqueous solution Ferris wheel best demonstrated electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions and its effectiveness. It also sought to find out the perception of students when these localized apparatuses have been utilized in the activity. The respondents of this study were the 123 Grade 7 students of Pantao National High School, school year 2018-2019. The researcher utilized the descriptive method. The researcher also used validated questionnaires that measured the performance and perception of the students. The statistical tool used in the study includes, mean, t-test for independent data, weighted mean, Spearman rank correlation coefficient and ANOVA. The result of the study indicated that the posttest performance of the students did not meet expectation swhereas, their pretest performance was generally in satisfactory level. The marked improvement of their performance was attributed from the utilization of locally made apparatuses. Moreover, the study revealed that the three apparatuses had different effects among the students where, localized aqueous solution lamp had better effect on students, while localized aqueous solution mini fan was as good as miniature Ferris wheel. Further, the extent of perception among students on the utilization of localized apparatuses in terms of motivation, cognition and interaction was high.


Localized apparatus, perception of students, and electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Localized Apparatuses in Teaching Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The study sought to determine as to which among the three proposed apparatuses namely: localized aqueous solution lamp, localized aqueous solution mini fan and localized aqueous solution Ferris wheel best demonstrated electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions and its effectiveness. It also sought to find out the perception of students when these localized apparatuses have been utilized in the activity. The respondents of this study were the 123 Grade 7 students of Pantao National High School, school year 2018-2019. The researcher utilized the descriptive method. The researcher also used validated questionnaires that measured the performance and perception of the students. The statistical tool used in the study includes, mean, t-test for independent data, weighted mean, Spearman rank correlation coefficient and ANOVA. The result of the study indicated that the posttest performance of the students did not meet expectation swhereas, their pretest performance was generally in satisfactory level. The marked improvement of their performance was attributed from the utilization of locally made apparatuses. Moreover, the study revealed that the three apparatuses had different effects among the students where, localized aqueous solution lamp had better effect on students, while localized aqueous solution mini fan was as good as miniature Ferris wheel. Further, the extent of perception among students on the utilization of localized apparatuses in terms of motivation, cognition and interaction was high.