UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: School Heads and Teachers’ Awareness of the Child Protection Policy: A Basis for a Training Program


School Heads and Teachers’ Awareness of the Child Protection Policy: A Basis for a Training Program

Presenter Information



Education and Development


This study aimed to determine the extent of awareness of the School Heads and Teachers on DepEd Order No. 40, S. 2012, otherwise known as the Child Protection Policy, of which result served as basis in the formulation of a program design. The study focused on the proper protocol in handling child abuse cases as well as the duties and responsibilities of the school heads, teachers and guidance counselors. The study made use of the descriptive-correlational research design. With reference to the measurement of the extent of awareness of school heads and teachers relative to the Child Protection Policy, a researcher-made tool was utilized. The respondents of the study are the secondary school heads and teachers in the Division of Dumaguete City. School heads were taken universally while teacher-respondents were subjected to sampling. The study utilized weighted mean, chi-square and test for its statistical treatment. The findings revealed that school heads and teachers are “Very Aware” of their duties and responsibilities relative to the Child Protection Policy except on the composition of the CPP and the proper protocol in handling child abuse cases which they claimed that they are not fully aware of. School heads and teachers differ significantly in their extent of awareness of the CPP revealing a higher degree of awareness on the part of the school heads. The respondents’ profile in terms of educational qualification and plantilla position is significantly related to their extent of awareness of the CPP except for age and sex which were found insignificant.


Awareness, Child Protection Policy (CPP)

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

School Heads and Teachers’ Awareness of the Child Protection Policy: A Basis for a Training Program

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

This study aimed to determine the extent of awareness of the School Heads and Teachers on DepEd Order No. 40, S. 2012, otherwise known as the Child Protection Policy, of which result served as basis in the formulation of a program design. The study focused on the proper protocol in handling child abuse cases as well as the duties and responsibilities of the school heads, teachers and guidance counselors. The study made use of the descriptive-correlational research design. With reference to the measurement of the extent of awareness of school heads and teachers relative to the Child Protection Policy, a researcher-made tool was utilized. The respondents of the study are the secondary school heads and teachers in the Division of Dumaguete City. School heads were taken universally while teacher-respondents were subjected to sampling. The study utilized weighted mean, chi-square and test for its statistical treatment. The findings revealed that school heads and teachers are “Very Aware” of their duties and responsibilities relative to the Child Protection Policy except on the composition of the CPP and the proper protocol in handling child abuse cases which they claimed that they are not fully aware of. School heads and teachers differ significantly in their extent of awareness of the CPP revealing a higher degree of awareness on the part of the school heads. The respondents’ profile in terms of educational qualification and plantilla position is significantly related to their extent of awareness of the CPP except for age and sex which were found insignificant.