UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The role and importance of promotion in the development of Kosovar construction companies - Case Study - "Standard" and "Trade"


The role and importance of promotion in the development of Kosovar construction companies - Case Study - "Standard" and "Trade"


Management, Business and Economics


The construction industry is usually characterized by extreme competition, high uncertainty and risks, and generally low profit margins when compared to other industries. In this context, marketing can help construction companies stand out from their competitors, cultivate and/or retain customers, thus creating a competitive advantage. In the context of conducting this research, as a secondary goal we consider the analysis of the perspective on the importance of marketing by suppliers / investors of real estate and buyers or users. The methodology of this research consists of qualitative and quantitative data. In the research participated 15 employees from "Tregtia" and "Standard" construction companies and 195 citizens of the neighbourhood Rruga B in Prishtina. Based on the results of our study the effectiveness of advertising has turned out to be high. From the survey we see that advertising has become very necessary and the results it is shown that 60% think that promotion is necessary for the businesses and 40% of the think that promotion is very effective for the businesses


marketing, promotion, company, construction, influence.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The role and importance of promotion in the development of Kosovar construction companies - Case Study - "Standard" and "Trade"

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The construction industry is usually characterized by extreme competition, high uncertainty and risks, and generally low profit margins when compared to other industries. In this context, marketing can help construction companies stand out from their competitors, cultivate and/or retain customers, thus creating a competitive advantage. In the context of conducting this research, as a secondary goal we consider the analysis of the perspective on the importance of marketing by suppliers / investors of real estate and buyers or users. The methodology of this research consists of qualitative and quantitative data. In the research participated 15 employees from "Tregtia" and "Standard" construction companies and 195 citizens of the neighbourhood Rruga B in Prishtina. Based on the results of our study the effectiveness of advertising has turned out to be high. From the survey we see that advertising has become very necessary and the results it is shown that 60% think that promotion is necessary for the businesses and 40% of the think that promotion is very effective for the businesses