UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: State Building During Conflict in Fragile States under asymmetric warfare and its Impact on Human Security: Yemen as a Case Study


State Building During Conflict in Fragile States under asymmetric warfare and its Impact on Human Security: Yemen as a Case Study

Presenter Information

Luna ShameihFollow


Security Studies


The situation in Yemen is complex; Yemen ruling system has been disintegrated since 1970 that has been united in 1990, the year 2011 was an era of political transition that has never brought peace, and 2015 was the beginning of the civil war. Currently, the Yemeni conflict is a combination of the failed government to address the basic needs of the citizens accompanied with high level of corruption, the insurgency of the Houthis, and the counterinsurgency led by the regional forces.

This research analyzes the different interventions in Yemen that is composed of state-building initiatives driven by the international community and the counterinsurgency and peacemaking initiatives led by the regional forces. It studies the result of these interventions on human security as perceived by the Yemeni people. Thus, it helps identify the way forward according to the people on the ground.

This research is based on analyzing the International community interventions in Yemen and the perspective of Yemenis on the extent to which these interventions lead to better Human Security.


Yemen, Insurgency, state-building, human security




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

State Building During Conflict in Fragile States under asymmetric warfare and its Impact on Human Security: Yemen as a Case Study

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The situation in Yemen is complex; Yemen ruling system has been disintegrated since 1970 that has been united in 1990, the year 2011 was an era of political transition that has never brought peace, and 2015 was the beginning of the civil war. Currently, the Yemeni conflict is a combination of the failed government to address the basic needs of the citizens accompanied with high level of corruption, the insurgency of the Houthis, and the counterinsurgency led by the regional forces.

This research analyzes the different interventions in Yemen that is composed of state-building initiatives driven by the international community and the counterinsurgency and peacemaking initiatives led by the regional forces. It studies the result of these interventions on human security as perceived by the Yemeni people. Thus, it helps identify the way forward according to the people on the ground.

This research is based on analyzing the International community interventions in Yemen and the perspective of Yemenis on the extent to which these interventions lead to better Human Security.