UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: State Aid rules in Kosovo: the need for approximation with EU acquis





Provided in the EU Treaty (Arts 107-109 TFEU) and applied in the EU institutional level and the EU Member States, the State Aid rules are also provided as criteria to be achieved for the WB by being included as parts of the respective Stabilization and Association Agreements (SAAs) signed between the EU and each of Western Balkan (WB) countries. In this regard, the SAA between EU and Kosovo has provided the relevant provisions for Kosovo to be properly implemented in the national legislation. The respective SAA provision (Arts. 74, 75) have outlined certain requirements to be achieved such as: it requires Kosovo to refrain from providing state aid (Art 75(1)) SAA; the authorities are required to assess the state aid measures based of the criteria deriving from the article 107 TFEU (Art 75(2)) SAA; the Kosovo authorities are required to gradually approximate the national legislation with the EU Acquis (Art 74(2)) SAA; Kosovo should have/ establish an operationally independent authority entrusted with powers necessary for the full application of state aid (Art 75(5)) SAA; Kosovo should also establish/ create an inventory of aid schemes and align such aid schemes with the respective criteria and state aid rules (Art 75(6)) SAA.

Therefore, this article will be focused on highlighting the existing legal shortcomings and gaps in the Kosovo legislation (the Law on State Aid and other respective bylaws) and to identify the measures to be taken in order to complete its aligned legal base in this field with the EU acquis. Performing the approximation of legislation and taking the respective measures in the above mentioned state aid components would properly address the challenging issues towards fulfilling the respective EU requirements provided in the SAA.


State Aid Rules, EU Law, Western Balkans, Stabilization and Association Agreements

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



Included in

Law Commons


Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

State Aid rules in Kosovo: the need for approximation with EU acquis

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Provided in the EU Treaty (Arts 107-109 TFEU) and applied in the EU institutional level and the EU Member States, the State Aid rules are also provided as criteria to be achieved for the WB by being included as parts of the respective Stabilization and Association Agreements (SAAs) signed between the EU and each of Western Balkan (WB) countries. In this regard, the SAA between EU and Kosovo has provided the relevant provisions for Kosovo to be properly implemented in the national legislation. The respective SAA provision (Arts. 74, 75) have outlined certain requirements to be achieved such as: it requires Kosovo to refrain from providing state aid (Art 75(1)) SAA; the authorities are required to assess the state aid measures based of the criteria deriving from the article 107 TFEU (Art 75(2)) SAA; the Kosovo authorities are required to gradually approximate the national legislation with the EU Acquis (Art 74(2)) SAA; Kosovo should have/ establish an operationally independent authority entrusted with powers necessary for the full application of state aid (Art 75(5)) SAA; Kosovo should also establish/ create an inventory of aid schemes and align such aid schemes with the respective criteria and state aid rules (Art 75(6)) SAA.

Therefore, this article will be focused on highlighting the existing legal shortcomings and gaps in the Kosovo legislation (the Law on State Aid and other respective bylaws) and to identify the measures to be taken in order to complete its aligned legal base in this field with the EU acquis. Performing the approximation of legislation and taking the respective measures in the above mentioned state aid components would properly address the challenging issues towards fulfilling the respective EU requirements provided in the SAA.