The importance of early reporting - in cases of sexual violence


Medicine and Nursing


Violence / sexual abuse is usually unwanted sexual behavior by one person towards another. The same in most cases is carried out by using force, or as a result of any other benefit, such as material, threatening, it creates fear, etc. *The term - Sexual violence - includes all forms of violation of sexual integrity (starting from attention, touch, up to sexual intercourse without consent.

The offender is called a sexual abuser or (often pejoratively) a molester. The term also covers any behavior by an adult or older adolescent towards a child to stimulate either of those involved sexually. Using a child, or other individuals younger than the age of consent, for sexual stimulation is called child sexual abuse or statutory rape.

The victims are usually; children, spouses, people with limited development, people with dementia, the elderly, etc.

Reason: Based on the data of the medical-legal examinations - the clinical aspect of the examinations at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Prishtina, an analysis of the examined cases was made, the ages were calculated in statistical terms as well as the reported on time / or late in cases of sexual violence.

A worrying percentage of cases - were presented late, (several days, weeks and months) where we tried to find the cause of the late notification - fear, lack of adequate education of the population as well as institutional officials who deal with this issue, lack of education educational etc.

Based on the findings that we will present in this paper, we were forced to v. 2019, let's start with the education campaign from primary schools, secondary schools, up to the relevant institutions, to show you the password of presentation on time, because biological evidence (semen, saliva, hair, etc.), as well as physical damage (contusions, hemtomas, bruises, compressive tearing wounds) can disappear with the passage of time and late appearance.

As a result of not reporting on time - only in 28% of cases were samples taken for biological tests

*The term - Sexual violence - includes all forms of violation of sexual integrity (starting from attention, touch, up to sexual intercourse without consent).

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

29-10-2022 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2022 12:00 AM



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Oct 29th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The importance of early reporting - in cases of sexual violence

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Violence / sexual abuse is usually unwanted sexual behavior by one person towards another. The same in most cases is carried out by using force, or as a result of any other benefit, such as material, threatening, it creates fear, etc. *The term - Sexual violence - includes all forms of violation of sexual integrity (starting from attention, touch, up to sexual intercourse without consent.

The offender is called a sexual abuser or (often pejoratively) a molester. The term also covers any behavior by an adult or older adolescent towards a child to stimulate either of those involved sexually. Using a child, or other individuals younger than the age of consent, for sexual stimulation is called child sexual abuse or statutory rape.

The victims are usually; children, spouses, people with limited development, people with dementia, the elderly, etc.

Reason: Based on the data of the medical-legal examinations - the clinical aspect of the examinations at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Prishtina, an analysis of the examined cases was made, the ages were calculated in statistical terms as well as the reported on time / or late in cases of sexual violence.

A worrying percentage of cases - were presented late, (several days, weeks and months) where we tried to find the cause of the late notification - fear, lack of adequate education of the population as well as institutional officials who deal with this issue, lack of education educational etc.

Based on the findings that we will present in this paper, we were forced to v. 2019, let's start with the education campaign from primary schools, secondary schools, up to the relevant institutions, to show you the password of presentation on time, because biological evidence (semen, saliva, hair, etc.), as well as physical damage (contusions, hemtomas, bruises, compressive tearing wounds) can disappear with the passage of time and late appearance.

As a result of not reporting on time - only in 28% of cases were samples taken for biological tests

*The term - Sexual violence - includes all forms of violation of sexual integrity (starting from attention, touch, up to sexual intercourse without consent).