Graphic presentation and statistical data analysis of the number of children in the families of 7th grade students in a lower secondary school in the Republic of Kosovo
Computer Science and Communication Engineering
Statistics is a science that researches, examines and studies the quantitative conditions of various phenomena: demographic, social, cultural, educational, economic, agricultural, commercial, industrial, communicative, physical, chemical, etc. Therefore, statistics is classified in the social sciences, which object the study has mass phenomena and the characteristics of their variation. These mass phenomena include, for example, the population,economy, agriculture, industry, communication, culture, education, etc., each in their quantitative aspect and the corresponding quantitative characteristics, including the time and space factor. Today, statistics is not limited to numerical information needed for the state, but has entered all social pores and natural sciences. Without statistics, they cannot function efficiently: accounting, finance, marketing, production, economy, biology, physics, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, astronomy, medicine, etc. Every day we come across numbers of statistical data, expressed in numbers or percentage. The graphic presentation is one of the most efficient tools both for the visual description of the results of multiple surveys of one or several characteristics of a statistical population, as well as for discovering the relationships and connections between these characteristics or between changes in time and space of phenomena. Graphical representation facilitates understanding much more quickly than the presentation of a multitude of figures, performing a great service to science and constituting a very valuable aid to statistical studies.Statistical analysis is of particular importance because through it we can compare data and research results for two or more phenomena, in time and space. This paper will deal with the main concepts in statistics, including concrete examples. First, we will explore the statistics of birth data at the level of the Republic of Kosovo, and then we will separately analyze our case of the number of children in families of students in a class in a lower secondary school in a village in Kosovo.
children, family, class, school
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
UBT Kampus, Lipjan
Start Date
29-10-2022 12:00 AM
End Date
30-10-2022 12:00 AM
Recommended Citation
Misini, Nazmi, "Graphic presentation and statistical data analysis of the number of children in the families of 7th grade students in a lower secondary school in the Republic of Kosovo" (2022). UBT International Conference. 283.
Graphic presentation and statistical data analysis of the number of children in the families of 7th grade students in a lower secondary school in the Republic of Kosovo
UBT Kampus, Lipjan
Statistics is a science that researches, examines and studies the quantitative conditions of various phenomena: demographic, social, cultural, educational, economic, agricultural, commercial, industrial, communicative, physical, chemical, etc. Therefore, statistics is classified in the social sciences, which object the study has mass phenomena and the characteristics of their variation. These mass phenomena include, for example, the population,economy, agriculture, industry, communication, culture, education, etc., each in their quantitative aspect and the corresponding quantitative characteristics, including the time and space factor. Today, statistics is not limited to numerical information needed for the state, but has entered all social pores and natural sciences. Without statistics, they cannot function efficiently: accounting, finance, marketing, production, economy, biology, physics, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, astronomy, medicine, etc. Every day we come across numbers of statistical data, expressed in numbers or percentage. The graphic presentation is one of the most efficient tools both for the visual description of the results of multiple surveys of one or several characteristics of a statistical population, as well as for discovering the relationships and connections between these characteristics or between changes in time and space of phenomena. Graphical representation facilitates understanding much more quickly than the presentation of a multitude of figures, performing a great service to science and constituting a very valuable aid to statistical studies.Statistical analysis is of particular importance because through it we can compare data and research results for two or more phenomena, in time and space. This paper will deal with the main concepts in statistics, including concrete examples. First, we will explore the statistics of birth data at the level of the Republic of Kosovo, and then we will separately analyze our case of the number of children in families of students in a class in a lower secondary school in a village in Kosovo.