
Computer Science and Communication Engineering


The research discusses an internet platform dedicated to cinema management. The platform is built upon two key components: the user-facing part and the backend operations. The visual part, also known as the Frontend in the programming world, is developed using technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, offering a simple and user-friendly interface. On the other hand, the server or backend where modifications and updates are made is built using ASP MVC Core and the C# programming language. For data management, SQL Server is used, which facilitates the staff's work in storing and accessing cinema-related information.

Overall, this system allows the administration to have complete control over all cinema functions. Responsibilities are divided among the main administrator, manager, and receptionist, making interaction with customers easier and more efficient. The platform primarily focuses on managing movie titles, screening rooms, movie schedules, reservations, ticket sales, and user management, providing a comprehensive solution for all these needs.

This online interface offers easy and quick access for both staff and customers to obtain the desired information. Another important advantage is that it helps minimize errors that can occur during various processes while significantly reducing operational costs. This platform is designed to be accessible by all team members, from the super-administrator who configures all system parameters to the customers who want to watch a movie, making the cinema available online 24/7.


Internet platform, User-facing, Frontend, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Backend operations, ASP MVC Core, C# programming language, Data management, SQL Server, Administration, Online interfac

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM




Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM

Development of the application for cinema management with .net technology

UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

The research discusses an internet platform dedicated to cinema management. The platform is built upon two key components: the user-facing part and the backend operations. The visual part, also known as the Frontend in the programming world, is developed using technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, offering a simple and user-friendly interface. On the other hand, the server or backend where modifications and updates are made is built using ASP MVC Core and the C# programming language. For data management, SQL Server is used, which facilitates the staff's work in storing and accessing cinema-related information.

Overall, this system allows the administration to have complete control over all cinema functions. Responsibilities are divided among the main administrator, manager, and receptionist, making interaction with customers easier and more efficient. The platform primarily focuses on managing movie titles, screening rooms, movie schedules, reservations, ticket sales, and user management, providing a comprehensive solution for all these needs.

This online interface offers easy and quick access for both staff and customers to obtain the desired information. Another important advantage is that it helps minimize errors that can occur during various processes while significantly reducing operational costs. This platform is designed to be accessible by all team members, from the super-administrator who configures all system parameters to the customers who want to watch a movie, making the cinema available online 24/7.