
Education and Development


Educational games significantly support classroom learning and promote social interaction among peers. Research studies clearly show that the use of games is a basic strategy in language education, in order to include all students regardless of their language level. According to Gartner, games play a special role in a child's development because they push the child to discover his motor and thinking skills. The role of games in foreign language learning is also related to the theory of multiple intelligences presented by Gartner. The game in the classroom brings fun and makes learning more useful for all students, relieves stress and plays an important role in the implementation of inclusiveness. This research explains some examples of educational games in English language learning as well as sheds light on some essential elements that educational games should have that teachers can implement in an inclusive classroom.


English language learning, effectiveness of games, educational games, ELT, ELL

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM



Included in

Education Commons


Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM

Exploring Productive Use of Educational Games in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Educational games significantly support classroom learning and promote social interaction among peers. Research studies clearly show that the use of games is a basic strategy in language education, in order to include all students regardless of their language level. According to Gartner, games play a special role in a child's development because they push the child to discover his motor and thinking skills. The role of games in foreign language learning is also related to the theory of multiple intelligences presented by Gartner. The game in the classroom brings fun and makes learning more useful for all students, relieves stress and plays an important role in the implementation of inclusiveness. This research explains some examples of educational games in English language learning as well as sheds light on some essential elements that educational games should have that teachers can implement in an inclusive classroom.