Challenges of Cybersecurity Policies and Regulations Implementation in Developing Countries


Information Systems and Security


There is a lot of evidence that shows that cyber securitycy has become a critical concern globally. Consequently, implementation of effective policies and regulations is crucial for protection of digital assets and qualifying cyber threats. This paper supposes that developing countries face exceptional challenges in the implementation of cybersecurity policies and regulations. This paper explores the major challenges encountered by developing countries in effectively implementing and enforcing cybersecurity policies and regulations. The supposition is that developing countries regularly lack the necessary processes, systems, resources, infrastructure, and expertise to tackle cyber threats effectively. Correspondingly, budgetary constraints hinder the establishment of robust cybersecurity frameworks and the purchase and implementation of advanced technologies. Insufficient commitment and investment in cybersecurity strategy further worsens the challenge. Additionally, the lack of international cooperation and coordination of the country presents another significant challenge. Finally, cultural, social, and legal factors can also pose obstacles to the implementation of cybersecurity policies and regulations in developing countries.


Information systems, data security, cybersecurity policies, advanced technologies.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM



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Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM

Challenges of Cybersecurity Policies and Regulations Implementation in Developing Countries

UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

There is a lot of evidence that shows that cyber securitycy has become a critical concern globally. Consequently, implementation of effective policies and regulations is crucial for protection of digital assets and qualifying cyber threats. This paper supposes that developing countries face exceptional challenges in the implementation of cybersecurity policies and regulations. This paper explores the major challenges encountered by developing countries in effectively implementing and enforcing cybersecurity policies and regulations. The supposition is that developing countries regularly lack the necessary processes, systems, resources, infrastructure, and expertise to tackle cyber threats effectively. Correspondingly, budgetary constraints hinder the establishment of robust cybersecurity frameworks and the purchase and implementation of advanced technologies. Insufficient commitment and investment in cybersecurity strategy further worsens the challenge. Additionally, the lack of international cooperation and coordination of the country presents another significant challenge. Finally, cultural, social, and legal factors can also pose obstacles to the implementation of cybersecurity policies and regulations in developing countries.