Lagrangian Statistical Management of Inequality Constraints

Presenter Information

Shaqir ElezajFollow
Rame ElezajFollow


Management, Business and Economics


In the application of multipliers according to Lagrange, it is important to note that the Lagrange in question enables us not only to determine the optimal value of the objective function, but also that the value of the multiplier also defines the "intensity" of the change of the variable (related variables). In many engineering and economic analyses, such a definition can be of particular importance. Therefore, in a way, the value and sign of the Lagrange multiplier defines the "behavior" of the profit function in terms 2of increasing and decreasing the profit function. It should also be determined that the Lagrange with multidimensional Lagrange factors adequately completes the engineering-economic analysis.


Lagrange with multidimensional Lagrange multipliers. Optimal model, Objective function, Managerial-statistical analysis

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM



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Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM

Lagrangian Statistical Management of Inequality Constraints

UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

In the application of multipliers according to Lagrange, it is important to note that the Lagrange in question enables us not only to determine the optimal value of the objective function, but also that the value of the multiplier also defines the "intensity" of the change of the variable (related variables). In many engineering and economic analyses, such a definition can be of particular importance. Therefore, in a way, the value and sign of the Lagrange multiplier defines the "behavior" of the profit function in terms 2of increasing and decreasing the profit function. It should also be determined that the Lagrange with multidimensional Lagrange factors adequately completes the engineering-economic analysis.