The role of augmented reality and virtual reality in education Study on teaching and learning experience based on AR/VR technology.

Presenter Information

Zymer Veliu


Art and Digital Media


AR/VR is transformative technologies that are delivering immersive and interactive learning experiences every day. In this paper we will present the potential impact of AR/VR on teaching and learning, exploring how AR/VR increases engagement, understanding and retention among students. The objective is to analyze the practical implications of the use of AR/VR in educational settings, considering their benefits, challenges and future prospects. If lecturers use AR/VR technology for teaching, then education will be reshaped, creating comprehensive and attractive learning environments that prepare students for new challenges.


AR-Augmented Reality, VR-Virtual Reality, Education, Experiential Learning, Immersive Technology, Distance Learning

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM



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Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM

The role of augmented reality and virtual reality in education Study on teaching and learning experience based on AR/VR technology.

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

AR/VR is transformative technologies that are delivering immersive and interactive learning experiences every day. In this paper we will present the potential impact of AR/VR on teaching and learning, exploring how AR/VR increases engagement, understanding and retention among students. The objective is to analyze the practical implications of the use of AR/VR in educational settings, considering their benefits, challenges and future prospects. If lecturers use AR/VR technology for teaching, then education will be reshaped, creating comprehensive and attractive learning environments that prepare students for new challenges.