Energy Efficiency Engineering
The global perspective with its energy components offers an exploration of the advanced technological potential related to the benefits of the energy transition in renewable energy sources. The stability of the energy system integrated in pan-European markets with the concept of flexible and efficient generating capacities guarantees unified functionality of the energy system. The paper deals with the transition of the energy strategy with classical generation with an outdated system towards the path of reducing CO2 emissions with deep transformation of electricity generation with renewable energy sources. In this paper, the European directive related to the decarburizations of the generating capacities of Kosovo's thermal power plants and their replacement in the common market with the pan-European sector has been dealt with in a special way. In order to address the emergency of the generation transition according to the last strategy, Kosovo has significantly increased the integration of renewable energies in the mix of the current energy system. The challenge of this paper is the harmonization of policy-making with strategic investment projects that require increased flexibility with regulatory adaptation documents according to developed technological trends. The objective of this work is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of energy in the final consumption of the part of consumers. The integration of the common energy market Kosovo - Albania will enable the optimization of strategic investments related to the removal of energy exchange barriers.
Energy strategy, RES, Sustainable development, Market integration, Efficiency and effectiveness.
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
UBT Lipjan, Kosovo
Start Date
28-10-2023 8:00 AM
End Date
29-10-2023 6:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Sofiu, Vehbi; Gashi, Sami; Veseli, Besar; Ymeri, Armend; and Sofiu, Muhaxherin, "Energy transition in support of climate conditions for Renewable Energy Sources" (2023). UBT International Conference. 6.
Included in
Energy transition in support of climate conditions for Renewable Energy Sources
UBT Lipjan, Kosovo
The global perspective with its energy components offers an exploration of the advanced technological potential related to the benefits of the energy transition in renewable energy sources. The stability of the energy system integrated in pan-European markets with the concept of flexible and efficient generating capacities guarantees unified functionality of the energy system. The paper deals with the transition of the energy strategy with classical generation with an outdated system towards the path of reducing CO2 emissions with deep transformation of electricity generation with renewable energy sources. In this paper, the European directive related to the decarburizations of the generating capacities of Kosovo's thermal power plants and their replacement in the common market with the pan-European sector has been dealt with in a special way. In order to address the emergency of the generation transition according to the last strategy, Kosovo has significantly increased the integration of renewable energies in the mix of the current energy system. The challenge of this paper is the harmonization of policy-making with strategic investment projects that require increased flexibility with regulatory adaptation documents according to developed technological trends. The objective of this work is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of energy in the final consumption of the part of consumers. The integration of the common energy market Kosovo - Albania will enable the optimization of strategic investments related to the removal of energy exchange barriers.