UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Evaluating the impact of demand-side response in Kosovo during the energy crisis: What can we learn?


Energy Efficiency Engineering


The energy crisis in Europe due to war between Ukraine and Russia has led to a unprecedented situation. The volatility in gas supplies and prices has driven the wholesale electricity prices to increase enormously. Fortunately, this crisis has prompted many European countries to prioritise energy sector and advance green agendas. While the efforts to mitigate the energy crisis has primarily focused on the supply side (i.e., subsidies to energy suppliers), less attention has been paid to the demand-side. In this study, we examine how Kosovo managed the electricity crisis and consider the impact of demand-side. We analyze the data of electricity generation, demand, and prices from pre-crisis time period through to when electricity prices stabilized. We use three main indicators: load-shifting, energy efficiency measures, and PV installation, to address the posed question. For each indicator, we assess their impact on Kosovo’s energy system in terms of the avoided system costs depending on net imports volumes. Finally, the objective of this study is to emphasize the importance of demand-side participation not only during energy crisis but also to highlight the need for mechanisms that unlock the potential of flexibility in future energy systems characterized by high electrification, renewables, and intermittent sources.


Energy crisis, Flexibility, Demand-side, Load-shifting, Energy efficiency, PV, Kosovo.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM



Included in

Engineering Commons


Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM

Evaluating the impact of demand-side response in Kosovo during the energy crisis: What can we learn?

UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

The energy crisis in Europe due to war between Ukraine and Russia has led to a unprecedented situation. The volatility in gas supplies and prices has driven the wholesale electricity prices to increase enormously. Fortunately, this crisis has prompted many European countries to prioritise energy sector and advance green agendas. While the efforts to mitigate the energy crisis has primarily focused on the supply side (i.e., subsidies to energy suppliers), less attention has been paid to the demand-side. In this study, we examine how Kosovo managed the electricity crisis and consider the impact of demand-side. We analyze the data of electricity generation, demand, and prices from pre-crisis time period through to when electricity prices stabilized. We use three main indicators: load-shifting, energy efficiency measures, and PV installation, to address the posed question. For each indicator, we assess their impact on Kosovo’s energy system in terms of the avoided system costs depending on net imports volumes. Finally, the objective of this study is to emphasize the importance of demand-side participation not only during energy crisis but also to highlight the need for mechanisms that unlock the potential of flexibility in future energy systems characterized by high electrification, renewables, and intermittent sources.