
Political Science


Cyber threats, generally including hybrid warfare, are among the greatest challenges that states and organizations are facing in modern times. This is due to the significant evolution of technology in recent years, which has made a vast amount of information available to individuals and organizations. Such threats can cause serious damage to critical infrastructure, such as transportation, energy, and water resources, as well as communication and financial systems. They can also impact a country's national security and political stability.

To address this threat, states have implemented various policies and measures to ensure national security against the backdrop of cyber security measures. These measures often involve establishing the foundation for national strategies, legal regulations, and specialized agencies responsible for protection against cyber threats.

These agencies collaborate with both public and private organizations to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber-attacks. States have also taken steps to increase public and business awareness regarding cyber threats and to assist in the prevention of cyber threats and the protection of national assets.

This study will provide insights into the policies and measures that states needed to take in order to ensure national security. Overall, states require proactive policies and detailed strategies aimed at preventing cyber threats and safeguarding critical infrastructure from potential attacks.


analysis, risk, cyber threats, state policies, national security

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM




Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM


UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Cyber threats, generally including hybrid warfare, are among the greatest challenges that states and organizations are facing in modern times. This is due to the significant evolution of technology in recent years, which has made a vast amount of information available to individuals and organizations. Such threats can cause serious damage to critical infrastructure, such as transportation, energy, and water resources, as well as communication and financial systems. They can also impact a country's national security and political stability.

To address this threat, states have implemented various policies and measures to ensure national security against the backdrop of cyber security measures. These measures often involve establishing the foundation for national strategies, legal regulations, and specialized agencies responsible for protection against cyber threats.

These agencies collaborate with both public and private organizations to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber-attacks. States have also taken steps to increase public and business awareness regarding cyber threats and to assist in the prevention of cyber threats and the protection of national assets.

This study will provide insights into the policies and measures that states needed to take in order to ensure national security. Overall, states require proactive policies and detailed strategies aimed at preventing cyber threats and safeguarding critical infrastructure from potential attacks.