UBT International Journal of Business and Technology | Vol 4 | Iss 2

Volume 4, Issue 2 (2016) Spring 2016



Perfect Metamaterial absorber based energy harvesting application in ISM Band
Furkan Dincer, Mehmet Bakir, Muharrem Karaaslan, Kemal Delihacioglu, and Cumali Sabah


Exploring the role of sentiments in identification of active and influential bloggers
Mohammad Alghobiri, Umer Ishfaq, Hikmat Ullah Khan, and Tahir Afzal Malik


Optimal Control of DC Motors Using PSO Algorithm for Tuning PID Controller
Arnisa Myrtellari, Petrika Marango, and Margarita Gjonaj


Testing the martingales property of daily exchange rate
Rozana Liko, Artion Kashuri, and Miftar Ramosaco

journal cover art Spring 2016