UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Defects occurred during the application of bridge deck waterproofing in Kosovo motorway bridges and their prevention

Defects occurred during the application of bridge deck waterproofing in Kosovo motorway bridges and their prevention


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


The waterproofing system of the bridge deck generally consist of a waterproofing layer plus a protective layer. The durability of bridges depends on the effectiveness of the bridge deck waterproofing system. Reinforced concrete is extremely durable structure material if properly constructed, however porosity will always occur and on the wear surface hairline cracking occurs, which allow water and corrosive materials to penetrate the concrete and attack steel reinforcement bar. The bridge deck waterproofing product can be divided into three main categories: sheets systems, liquid systems add mastic layer. In most cases the protective layer is asphalt layer. In Kosovo motorways was used sheets system. During the installation of the waterproofing system some defects were encountered such as: concrete surface irregularities and cracks, excessive quartz sand not removed, non-uniformly heated waterproofing membrane strips, etc. These defects have affected the adhesion between sheets and foundation layer. Prevention steps are: experienced workmanship, good supervision, and full compliance with the applicable standard during installation.


Waterproofing, Bridge, Cracks, Reinforcement, Supervision

Session Chair

Muhamet Ahmeti

Session Co-Chair

Bruno Dal Lago

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

26-10-2019 12:30 PM



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Oct 26th, 11:00 AM Oct 26th, 12:30 PM

Defects occurred during the application of bridge deck waterproofing in Kosovo motorway bridges and their prevention

Pristina, Kosovo

The waterproofing system of the bridge deck generally consist of a waterproofing layer plus a protective layer. The durability of bridges depends on the effectiveness of the bridge deck waterproofing system. Reinforced concrete is extremely durable structure material if properly constructed, however porosity will always occur and on the wear surface hairline cracking occurs, which allow water and corrosive materials to penetrate the concrete and attack steel reinforcement bar. The bridge deck waterproofing product can be divided into three main categories: sheets systems, liquid systems add mastic layer. In most cases the protective layer is asphalt layer. In Kosovo motorways was used sheets system. During the installation of the waterproofing system some defects were encountered such as: concrete surface irregularities and cracks, excessive quartz sand not removed, non-uniformly heated waterproofing membrane strips, etc. These defects have affected the adhesion between sheets and foundation layer. Prevention steps are: experienced workmanship, good supervision, and full compliance with the applicable standard during installation.