UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Degradation of the green spaces influence in the heart of cities

Presenter Information

Michael Pondělíček


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Greenery inside cities is integral part of their urban area, which affects citizens and life in cities in essential way, supports quality of the city and especially its public space. Today greenery is integral and expected part of a complex, which we call "urbanity". In our geographical latitudes, conditions for beneficial effects of greenery are good so far, and it was possible to maintain the greenery without too high costs and with huge effect for urban area. In present time with growing influence of climate change on internal municipal environment occurs also increase of influence of a greenery on stability of inner city climate (and not only - protection against formation of thermal islands, increase of habitation of public areas, creation of more humid and cold air at night, etc.). Recent way of adjustment of more municipal parks and squares doesn't really respond to this requirement, works on renovation of parks and public areas are being disproportionately prolonged, there are used inappropriate cover materials for sidewalks and paths, placement of green spaces and trees is reduced (shading, humid air, absorption and water retention are limited) and full efficiency of municipal greenery (especially trees again), after the works on the park are finished, is postponed for later time. Within our presentation will be given actual examples of inappropriate changes from presence, including examples of strong reduction of greenery and list of possible negative effects of degradation of role of greenery in municipal and public areas.


climate change, urban greenery, heat island

Session Chair

Binak Beqaj

Session Co-Chair

Elvida Pallaska

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

26-10-2019 12:30 PM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Oct 26th, 11:00 AM Oct 26th, 12:30 PM

Degradation of the green spaces influence in the heart of cities

Pristina, Kosovo

Greenery inside cities is integral part of their urban area, which affects citizens and life in cities in essential way, supports quality of the city and especially its public space. Today greenery is integral and expected part of a complex, which we call "urbanity". In our geographical latitudes, conditions for beneficial effects of greenery are good so far, and it was possible to maintain the greenery without too high costs and with huge effect for urban area. In present time with growing influence of climate change on internal municipal environment occurs also increase of influence of a greenery on stability of inner city climate (and not only - protection against formation of thermal islands, increase of habitation of public areas, creation of more humid and cold air at night, etc.). Recent way of adjustment of more municipal parks and squares doesn't really respond to this requirement, works on renovation of parks and public areas are being disproportionately prolonged, there are used inappropriate cover materials for sidewalks and paths, placement of green spaces and trees is reduced (shading, humid air, absorption and water retention are limited) and full efficiency of municipal greenery (especially trees again), after the works on the park are finished, is postponed for later time. Within our presentation will be given actual examples of inappropriate changes from presence, including examples of strong reduction of greenery and list of possible negative effects of degradation of role of greenery in municipal and public areas.