UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Effect of Environmental Factors on Microbiological Quality of Flour

Effect of Environmental Factors on Microbiological Quality of Flour


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


The flours that are obtained by the grinding process have different qualities which affect the safety aspect of the flours. During the grinding process it is attempted to remove the epidermis which is microbiologically contaminated by the conditions of cultivation, harvesting, transportation and storage. Because it is a part of direct contact with the environment, this layer, although rich in nutritional value, must be removed to ensure product safety. Based on these data our study has focused on the microbiological qualities of different flours and the moisture of the product which has a very significant effect on the development of microorganisms. Samples The samples taken during this study were random in the market, different flours were analyzed: X1. Integral flour, X1 / 1. Flour type 400 of the same manufacturer, X2 Flour type 400. The study examined the product moisture ratio with the total number of microorganisms, molds and yeasts.


flours. Flour type 400, moisture, total number of microorganisms, molds and yeasts.

Session Chair

Valon Durguti

Session Co-Chair

Mufail Salihu

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 3:30 PM

End Date

26-10-2019 5:00 PM



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Oct 26th, 3:30 PM Oct 26th, 5:00 PM

Effect of Environmental Factors on Microbiological Quality of Flour

Pristina, Kosovo

The flours that are obtained by the grinding process have different qualities which affect the safety aspect of the flours. During the grinding process it is attempted to remove the epidermis which is microbiologically contaminated by the conditions of cultivation, harvesting, transportation and storage. Because it is a part of direct contact with the environment, this layer, although rich in nutritional value, must be removed to ensure product safety. Based on these data our study has focused on the microbiological qualities of different flours and the moisture of the product which has a very significant effect on the development of microorganisms. Samples The samples taken during this study were random in the market, different flours were analyzed: X1. Integral flour, X1 / 1. Flour type 400 of the same manufacturer, X2 Flour type 400. The study examined the product moisture ratio with the total number of microorganisms, molds and yeasts.