UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The state of the art of music research in Kosovo

The state of the art of music research in Kosovo


Modern Music, Digital Production and Management


This article documents and analyses the state of the art of music research in Kosovo since 1945, whereby the first published “research” articles appeared in specific journals of that period such as "Albanian folklore music," and "New Life", 1949, no. 1. The structure of the paper identifies, analyses and categorizes the types of research, researchers and their background and respective institutions,research interests, areas and topics, design and methodology used. The paper highlights the research conducted so far, from the perspective of music heritage in Kosovo and argues the importance of further development and standardizing music research in Kosovo, on a wider scale, advocating the necessity to define clear research goals on a national level. We wish through this article to document and analyze these aspects and to give a proposition based on the already written work, the interests of the music community, and other clear indicators of music research necessities on a national heritage aspect.


Music Research, Musicology, Ethnomusicology, Documentation

Session Chair

Liburn Jupolli

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

The state of the art of music research in Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

This article documents and analyses the state of the art of music research in Kosovo since 1945, whereby the first published “research” articles appeared in specific journals of that period such as "Albanian folklore music," and "New Life", 1949, no. 1. The structure of the paper identifies, analyses and categorizes the types of research, researchers and their background and respective institutions,research interests, areas and topics, design and methodology used. The paper highlights the research conducted so far, from the perspective of music heritage in Kosovo and argues the importance of further development and standardizing music research in Kosovo, on a wider scale, advocating the necessity to define clear research goals on a national level. We wish through this article to document and analyze these aspects and to give a proposition based on the already written work, the interests of the music community, and other clear indicators of music research necessities on a national heritage aspect.