UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The Role of Risk Management Departments in Banking Institutions


Management, Business and Economics


The topic of risk and risk management is a topic where the interest of academics, field professionals but also ordinary people has increased enormously. When this topic is dealt with in the banking system, the dominant element in the overall financial system of a country, then the interest rate is even higher, especially after the global financial crisis. In the case of the banking system, credit risk is one of the main risks to which the system is exposed. Over the last decades, loans have occupied the main weight among the assets of the banking system. Moreover, in recent years, the quality of the loan portfolio has deteriorated significantly, which is evident from the significant increase in bad loans served (otherwise known as non-performing loans as defined in the Albanian regulatory framework). Another objective of the paper is to identify and evaluate various macroeconomic factors and factors related to the structure of bank assets and liabilities affecting the bad credit indicator. Before interpreting the variables, all the necessary statistical tests have been made and their conclusions analyzed. Further, the impact of these factors is also transferred to the probability of default and the risk index as the credit risk metering for the banking system.


Management, Risk, Banking Sector, Financial Reports, Credit

Session Chair

Nora Sadiku-Dushi

Session Co-Chair

Aferina Skeja

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



Included in

Business Commons


Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

The Role of Risk Management Departments in Banking Institutions

Lipjan, Kosovo

The topic of risk and risk management is a topic where the interest of academics, field professionals but also ordinary people has increased enormously. When this topic is dealt with in the banking system, the dominant element in the overall financial system of a country, then the interest rate is even higher, especially after the global financial crisis. In the case of the banking system, credit risk is one of the main risks to which the system is exposed. Over the last decades, loans have occupied the main weight among the assets of the banking system. Moreover, in recent years, the quality of the loan portfolio has deteriorated significantly, which is evident from the significant increase in bad loans served (otherwise known as non-performing loans as defined in the Albanian regulatory framework). Another objective of the paper is to identify and evaluate various macroeconomic factors and factors related to the structure of bank assets and liabilities affecting the bad credit indicator. Before interpreting the variables, all the necessary statistical tests have been made and their conclusions analyzed. Further, the impact of these factors is also transferred to the probability of default and the risk index as the credit risk metering for the banking system.