Modern Music, Digital Production and Management | 2020 UBT International Conference

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Saturday, October 31st
11:00 AM

Composing for EthnoCyberPunk

Liburn Jupolii, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Artrit Bytyçi, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

This article is an experiential analysis and reference essay on writing a soundtrack for a cyberpunk story in Kosovo.Writing for the entertainment industry and composing for film, documentary and animation require a specific approach, as with this case writing for a literary work like the “Arbiter” of Artrit Bytyqi, requires a different approach.In this article i document this process and make parallels and analysis of similar compositional cases throughout the film industry.

Copyright & related rights and the management of these rights in Kosovo

Sadije Topojani, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Technological developments, scientific developments and the creative arts are increasingly defining our daily lives and man is identifying himself through creativity in the form of works and artistic performance. Creations protected by copyrights are promoters of increasing creativity and fair competition. It is therefore this reason that this paper aims at providing an analysis overview of the Copyright & related rights in Kosovo, starting from the legal and institutional setting, administrative and enforcement institutions of these rights, as well as the Collective Management Societies. Additionally, it provides an overview of the management and administration of these rights in Kosovo by various stakeholders.

Foley Artistry in Music Production: A Path towards Novel Musical Instruments, Textures and Sound Identities.

Tomor Kuçi, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Foley sounds can be used in innumerable ways in music production. As a tool, foley can lead towards the creation of new musical instruments, new textures and it contributes to the overall sound identity of a song or an album. These are some of the approaches that will be analysed, with examples taken from recent pop music, ’80s pop and synthop music and personal music production projects.

Post war Popular and Modern Music in Kosovo

Liburn Jupolii, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

This article analyses the different stylistical development of post-war music in Kosovo from the non-formal parts of the musical Ecosystem. The article documents the developments in genre, in musical approach, in instrumentation, and makes parallels within the decades of 2000-2020 with the two waves of non-formal musical groups in Kosovo.

1:30 PM

Acoustics of the halls for music performance in Kosovo

Egzon Bajraktari, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Liburn Jupolli, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Tomor Kuçi, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Currently Kosovo does not have a dedicated hall for music performance. It has been discussed in recent years to build a concert hall or a hall for opera and ballet, but their construction has not happened yet. For cultural events with music elements existing halls such as National Theater hall, or other multifunctional halls such as “The Red Hall” or the the Hall of the University Library are used. This paper analyses the acoustic performance of some of these halls based on the subjective evaluation by the music performers. The results of the subjective evaluation by performers surveyed are compared with the basic acoustic data for these halls calculated by the diffuse field method

Kosovar musicology vs. world musicological trends of recent years

Kristina Perkola, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

As a prominent science, musicology is a broad discipline concerned in the general historical studies of music, cultural studies, historiography of music, philosophy and aesthetics of music, criticism, analysis and many other areas. Over the last years increasing number of scholars from new musicological backgrounds, have begun to take a greater interest in resent musicological societies in Western Europe and beyond therefore issues of musicology are getting very broad and related with many diverse disciplines like culture, society and politics. In fact, contemporary musicology in America today known as ‘New musicology’ is dealing with different culture, historical, ethnological and sociological issues, instead in Western Europe (mainly in Germany) musicology is getting shaped by different dates that has to do more with politics than with music. On the other side depending on different socio-economic and political circumstances artistic music in Kosovo belongs to one of the cultures of South- Eastern Europe, which began its existence in western sense only after the Second World War hence the first musicological studies date from the second half of the last century. Theme of this research which belongs to comparative studies, is conceived in the sense of comparing musicological developments in Kosovo with the recent trends of musicological developments in the world. Witnessed by history, music seems to be a fundamental component of human culture and behaviour always playing an important role on the culture achievements of any country as well as musicology and all its sub-disciplines are the main promoter for the preservation of the musical heritage, pointing out composer's life and works, compositions, the developments of styles and genres, music performances, analysis, aesthetics, philosophy and criticism of music over the time therefore musicological writings and research papers are the best tools to prove the music history facts.

The influence of solfeggio on the development of the musical ear

Leutrina Pireva, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

The purpose of this paper is to understand how and to what extent solfeggio affects the development of the musical ear. The working methods, the elements of the solfeggio subject in Kosovo and in other countries of the world will be researched and analyzed. Since the establishment of music school institutions, we have worked with the same literature and methodology of the same work. These components have prompted me to engage and research new and advanced methodologies of the time. I think it is the last moment for something to be done in this research and to find the best working methods which influence to have success in musical ear training.

The state of the art of music research in Kosovo

Liburn Jupolii, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Besa Luzha, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

This article documents and analyses the state of the art of music research in Kosovo since 1945, whereby the first published “research” articles appeared in specific journals of that period such as "Albanian folklore music," and "New Life", 1949, no. 1. The structure of the paper identifies, analyses and categorizes the types of research, researchers and their background and respective institutions,research interests, areas and topics, design and methodology used. The paper highlights the research conducted so far, from the perspective of music heritage in Kosovo and argues the importance of further development and standardizing music research in Kosovo, on a wider scale, advocating the necessity to define clear research goals on a national level. We wish through this article to document and analyze these aspects and to give a proposition based on the already written work, the interests of the music community, and other clear indicators of music research necessities on a national heritage aspect.