UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The impact of watching series on the activities of high school students in kosovo, 2021


The impact of watching series on the activities of high school students in kosovo, 2021


Information Systems and Security


The development of technology has made a lot of changes in human’s life and work. In the context of developments and perfection of technology in general and particularly information one, are included also, television, various phones, laptops/PC. The representation of youthful life portrayed here is maybe no disclosure to numerous instructors and guardians who watch and encounter it in schools, work environments, and communities. In any case, it isn't sufficient to basically bring these encounters in to the classroom (1).

Aim: To gather information regarding the impact of TV series on Kosovar youth, in their learning and other daily activities.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo. Sample of 131 high school students from the municipality of Gjilan. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22.00. The associations between different variables were checked using the Chi-square test at (95%) confidence level.

Results: 36.6% of the taken sample were males while 63.4% were females. Based on schools we have 32.8% from the Natural Sciences Gymnasium, 32.8% from the Social Sciences Gymnasium and 34.4% from the Economics High School.

Conclusions: Since there exists a positive linear relationship between the studied variables with a correlation value of 0.814, the distance from which students watch TV impacts on wearing glasses. Whereas the average grade depends on the hours of watching the series.

Those students who do not like watching series at all do not attend any courses, while students that like it averagely and those who like to watch series are occupied with different activities.


Development of technology, Information System, Social impact, TV.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page



UBT Kampus,Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The impact of watching series on the activities of high school students in kosovo, 2021

UBT Kampus,Lipjan

The development of technology has made a lot of changes in human’s life and work. In the context of developments and perfection of technology in general and particularly information one, are included also, television, various phones, laptops/PC. The representation of youthful life portrayed here is maybe no disclosure to numerous instructors and guardians who watch and encounter it in schools, work environments, and communities. In any case, it isn't sufficient to basically bring these encounters in to the classroom (1).

Aim: To gather information regarding the impact of TV series on Kosovar youth, in their learning and other daily activities.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo. Sample of 131 high school students from the municipality of Gjilan. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22.00. The associations between different variables were checked using the Chi-square test at (95%) confidence level.

Results: 36.6% of the taken sample were males while 63.4% were females. Based on schools we have 32.8% from the Natural Sciences Gymnasium, 32.8% from the Social Sciences Gymnasium and 34.4% from the Economics High School.

Conclusions: Since there exists a positive linear relationship between the studied variables with a correlation value of 0.814, the distance from which students watch TV impacts on wearing glasses. Whereas the average grade depends on the hours of watching the series.

Those students who do not like watching series at all do not attend any courses, while students that like it averagely and those who like to watch series are occupied with different activities.