Energy Efficiency Engineering | 2020 UBT International Conference

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Saturday, October 31st
9:00 AM

Energy Efficiency Renovation Measures in Public Buildings, Case Study Kindergarten “Buzëqeshja” City of Prishtina

Nora Cimili, European Commission
Petrit Ahmeti, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Environmental Impact of Electricity Production in Kosovo

Nexhmi Krasniqi, University for Business and Technology
Besa Veseli, University for Business and Technology
Hazir Çadraku, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The sector concerned with electricity production has been subject to a rapid development, particularly since the sixties with a special emphasis on fossil fuels. Furthermore, the exploitation of renewable sources such as wind, solar, hydropower and biomass, and geothermal have been of key importance for enhancement of economic sector. In addition, in this paper will be widely elaborated a comprehensive methodology to carry out a full-fledged analysis of the effects of environmental risk that change over time, long-term deterioration and loss of vegetation from electricity generation in Kosovo from fossil fuels and renewable sources. Moreover, there will be also scrutinized methods regarding the adverse impact that industrial activities which generate electricity have on the environment and loss of vegetation.

Impact of Anthropogenic Factors on Air Quality in Kosovo

Shkumbim Shala, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Mentor Shala, Hydrometeorological Institute of Kosovo
Besa Veseli, University for Business and Technology
Hyzer Rizani, University for Business and Technology
Beqir Gashi, Hydrometeorological Institute of Kosovo,

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Kosovo is a small country with an area of about 10.887 km², pollution at country level is very big, but the main pollution problems are in urban areas which are highly polluted as the main cause of this pollution are: industries, power plants KEK, Road Transport, District Heating Companies (in Prishtina, Gjakova and Mitrovica), Urban and Industrial Waste Disposal (with different local impact), Wood and lignite for home heating. (World, 2011). Regarding the regions Prishtina region is the area with the highest air quality pollution caused by KEK power plants located nearby, other smaller industries, transport, heating, and other individual heating facilities. (Botrore, 2011). Since air pollutants know no bounds, Of greater concern are; volatile organic compounds (VOC), CO2, NO2, CO, sulfur compounds SO2, PM10, PM2,5 etc. During this paper we will present the air quality in Prishtina region where air quality analyzes were taken by KHMI for the whole of 2018-2019 by measuring these parameters, SO2, CO, NO2, O3, PM10 and PM2.5 all of these measuring (µg / m3), and always referring to the Directive (2008/50 / EC) and the Law on Air Protection from Pollution (No. 03 / L-160).

Pandemic Restrictions in Kosova as Indicator to Reduction of Air Pollution


Afete-Shala Musliu, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The chaotic situation of industrial and transportation grow around the globe is a situation that left substantial traces, both in the environment and in everyday life. With the introduction of the Pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO) of Covid19 in March 2020, many countries in the world imposed numerous instructions including the restriction of movement, both national and international, which also affected the use of motor vehicles thus, having direct impact on reduction of air pollution caused by motor vehicle’s emission. On 15th of March 2020 Kosova’s government also introduced numerous instructions including restriction of movement. The aim of this paper is to conduct a periodic comparison of air pollution in the cities of Kosovo as a result of restrictions that led to reduced use of motor vehicles for a certain period, namely March-May 2019/2020. Based on the data provided, air pollution in the cities of Kosovo has decreased by almost 50% compared to the same period in 2019. Thus e.g., average concentration of NO2 in Kosovo during March 2020 was about 15 µg/m3, compared to around 30 µg/m3 as it was in March 2019; PM2.5 during March 2020 was 14.9 µg/m3, compared to about 21.7 µg/m3 in March 2019.

PV System of Solar energy - SMART the sity at Campus of UBT – case study

Vehebi Sofiu, University for Business and Technology
Besa Veseli, University for Business and Technology
Nafije Shabani, University for Business and Technology
Sami Gashi, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The UBT campus is geographically located in the central part of Kosovo at the crossroads of the most important roads in the Kosovo region, about halfway between the cities of Pristina and Ferizaj. The main purpose of the work is to supply the electricity campus with the PV solar system, with the connection of SMART communication with the city according to the self-supply model of the constructed facilities. Connections of functionalization and organization of contemporary study life on the basis of ecological background according to the clean model (green) using the roof spaces of buildings with solar panels of PV system with generating capacity of 2x50 MW with connection of wind generating combined potentials, geothermal and amount of water for use for the city SMART. Connecting the inverters to the Grid system with the generating surpluses of the PV system and harmonizing the legislation of the Republic of Kosovo with the balancing and motivating policies for using the natural resource with the educational city of the campus, without ignoring the modeling system with the cooperation links where the area is industrial. The coordinate of the geographical position is 42 ° 32 ′ 0 ″ N, 21 ° 6 ′ 0 ″ E, with an altitude of 550 m, while the area of the radiation time is UT + 1, Albedo from 0.25 solar rays to 0.7 rays, the peak of the radiation area . For this study phase, measurements of solar radiation intensity were made, the slope of the incandescent angle in the space of the solar panel plant connection to the distribution electrical network. The environmental space of the campus is treated and organized according to environmental standards with its own system of educational services SMART.

Sustainability of Energy Production From Fossils and Reversible Energy in Kosovo


Djellza Perbeza, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Ines Bula, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Over the years Renewable Sources are the focus in terms of Energy. Renewable energy replaces traditional fuels in four different areas: electricity generation, water and space heating, motor fuels, and rural energy services. The development of the energy market and especially renewable energy is playing a key role in Kosovo, this can simultaneously lead to the stabilization of the new economy of the country. Only a sustainable, efficient and modern energy supply can ensure the rapid development of new industries. Energy production in Kosovo is currently supported by fossil fuels, mainly coal, while a small amount of energy is obtained from renewable sources. The use of fossil fuels has a major negative environmental impact, and this makes us think of a more sustainable solution with less impact on the environment. In this paper, based on the research method, it will be concluded how favorable is the use of wind energy in Kosovo, its economic and environmental impact.

The Comparison Between Renewable and Fossil Energy in Kosovo

Visar Bejta, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Ines Bula, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Now-days the demand for energy is increasing day-to-day and most of the electrical energy is generated using fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). Using these fuels brings emissions of damaging gases, which cause air pollution and climate change. In order to reduce the pollution and prevent climate change, we have to make a transition and start using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro energy must be a solution for this transition but the shortcoming of these sources is that we don’t have them constantly. In Kosovo 95% of the electricity is generated using coal and it’s concerning because the power plants are almost older than 50 years and the pollution is a serious problem in the areas around the plants. These plants have to gradually be replaced by renewable sources. Solar energy is a part of this solution, considering that the solar irradiation is quite suitable in Kosovo. There are around 2069 hours of sunlight in Kosovo and the usage of this potential will be a great benefit for us. After detailed analysis of the implementation of the photovoltaics type “JSM 72 330W”, we come to the conclusion that the price crosses the economic reasonability of investment, which also causes insecurities in electrical supply.

The Function of Generating Work and the Form of Connection of Wind Turbines to Each Other in Different Geographical Positions

Djellza Perbeza, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Nexhmi Krasniqi, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Vehebi Sofiu, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Besa Veseli, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Renewable energy technology is cleaner and has less impact on the environment and emissions than conventional energy sources. Nowadays all over the world conventional and non-conventional energy sources are used to cover the demands for electricity which are increasing along with the increase of the world population. Among renewable energy sources, solar and wind energy are the most essential due to their availability, quantity and high reliability. Many factors need to be considered when planning the construction of the plant from wind turbines. In wind turbine important parameters are wind speed, turbine inclusive surface and air density. The selection of the wind turbine should be done based on the climatic conditions of the intended country, the form of their connection in different geographical positions, the form of communication and the efficiency of the turbine.

The Production of Biodiesel Using Waste Cooking Oil in Kosovo


Laura Nushi, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Sami Makolli, University for Business and Technology
Agron Millaku, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The need for energy, fossil fuels and the emissions generated from these fuels are increasing daily. In recent years, biodiesel has attracted significant attention from worldwide researchers, governments, and industries as a renewable, biodegradable, and non-toxic fuel. Its production from waste cooking oil (WCO) provides an alternative energy means of producing liquid fuels from biomass for transport uses. Biodiesel production by recycling WCO and methanol in the presence of kaliumhydroxide (KOH), offers several benefits such as economic, environmental and waste management. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the pre-treatment and the usage of WCO for the production of biodiesel in Kosovo. In order to know as accurately as possible how the Kosovo market is prepared for biodiesel production and what potential Kosovo has in this case, we researched on our own the market by interviewing the workers from the gastronomy sector so we could calculate how much oil is being yearly wasted, and within it the amount of energy too. In addition, this work highlights the purification and analysis of the produced biodiesel in a chemical laboratory, the operating parameters that highly affect the biodiesel yield, the air pollution related to it, several economic and energy studies based on statistics.

Waste Pollution Analysis Medical in Rural Parts of Kosovo


Faton Maloku, University for Business and Technology
Florent Dobroshi, University of Mitrovica
Besa Veseli, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Medical waste poses a greater risk to human health compared to other types of waste. Environmental pollution caused by medical waste can be large and can spread various diseases and epidemics, but pollution can be classified according to the most important components of the environment that are polluted and as the main component are: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution. The practical work was carried out in the regional general hospital of Gjilan, hazardous waste that is generated in rural areas is managed in a controlled manner in the waste management plant which is also within the city hospital. In this paper we have come to understand the great importance of “Medicinal Waste Management” and the damages that can be caused by not managing this waste. Of particular importance in this regard is the increasing role of citizens, civil society organizations in environmental protection, in particular in waste management of medicinal products. The aim of these actors and analyzes is to improve the management of medicinal waste in Kosovo with the participation of various organizations in the search for better services as well as to raise awareness and awareness of Kosovo citizens on how to deal with medicinal waste and medicines expired. Objectives: 1. Establish a system for the management of medicinal waste, 2. Train medical - professional staff on the implementation of EU waste management standards. 3. Build medical waste management plants, especially infective ones.

10:45 AM

Energy Efficiency for a farm company: NZEFC – Nearly Zero Energy Farm Company. Case of Study


Kliton Bylykbashi, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Giuseppe Bonifazi, Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials & Environment Sapienza University of Rome

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

In this report, the energy consumption of 25 agricultural companies, which produce milk for the Soresina consortium, was evaluated.The purpose was to determine a Standard Energy Diagnosis Procedure (SEDP), for the agricultural sector. In the case of study below, the farm company has decided to adhere to a process of technological renewal, able to reduce to zero, the energy consumption, related to electricity and agricultural naphtha. Three are the intervention that the company has decided to adopt: Integration the photovoltaic system with a Storage System (battery); castrating a new biogas plant, with 75 kW electrical power; replacing the unifeed wagon with a robot: Trioliet Triomatic T15, coupled with the kitchen Triomatic T30.

Menagement of Industrial Waste in Flotations and Those from the Reduction Smelting Process in the zinc-lead Metallurgy of the ,,Trepça’’ Complex.

Afrim Osmani, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

The technological process of obtaining non-ferrous metals such as Pb, Zn, Cu,Bi, Cd, Ni, Sb, Sn, Ag, Au etc. is done through the pyrometallurgical process. However, this process was accompanied by economic losses, due to the transfer of metals in the process waste on one side and the pollution of the environment by the gases released on the other side. As well as the flotation unit where the concentrate comes from are enormous pollutants of soil, water, and air. Therefore good management in the Trepça complex as well as in the flotation units is essential in commercial terms and in accordance with the conventions of the European Union. The elaboration of this problem is done through the data obtained from the flotation unit as well as those obtained from the reduction smelting process in the metallurgy of Pb-Zn in the Trepça complex

Water Quality Analysis in Batllava Lake With Physico - Chemical Methods and Organic Materials


Florent Dobroshi, University “Isa Buletini”
Faton Maloku, University for Business and Technology
Krenar Dobroshi, College of Medical Sciences “Rezonanca”, Prishtina

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Water is one of the most important sources of life that cannot be replaced by other matter, so without water no form of living on our planet can be thought of. Worldwide demand for potable water rises by 4%, which challenges not only quantity but also quality. Depending on the origin, natural waters have different characteristics. In addition to meeting the needs in many vital processes, biological and physiological needs of the organism, water is an essential substance for the development of industry. There are almost no industries that for one reason or another do not use water. Water is also of great importance in the household, so population growth and living standards require increasing human needs for water. On the other hand even though the amount of water in the soil is the same, it is increasingly polluted by different pollutants. The purpose of this paper and study was the research of drinking water in Lake Batllava in the Municipality of Podujeva. During this work, the physico-chemical parameters, total organic carbon (KOT) and heavy metals in the lake were determined. All samples were taken in medium depth ventilation system for drinking water supply. A total of 10 samples were taken. The research was conducted in the area of Podujeva, respectively in the village Orllan where Lake Batllava is located. The general methods for used water analysis are: - Water sampling and conservation method; - Titrimetric and colorimetric methods of analysis; - Analytical methods of determining parameters; - Spectrophotometric and photometric methods; - Atomic absorption spectrophotometry method (SAA) The research was conducted in two seasons, the winter season (2019/2020) and the summer season (2020). The aim of this paper is to research physico-chemical parameters, heavy metals, and total organic carbon in drinking water. Comparison with the permissible parameters according to the Administrative Instruction UA- No.16 / 2012 on the quality of water for human consumption, as well as by the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines (WBO, 1997). So the results obtained from this research on this lake will serve as a recommendation to consumers that this water meets the conditions.