UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The Impact of COVID 19 in Kosovo's fashion Insdustry

The Impact of COVID 19 in Kosovo's fashion Insdustry




The global pandemic has had a major impact in the fashion industry in Kosovo. This does not only include changes in design, but also the way firms advertise and reach their customers. The purpose of this study is to explore the changes that have taken place in design as well as the ways in which social media has influenced fashion consumption. Secondary research was used to gather information for this study. Goals: During COVID-19, social networks have strongly influenced our daily life in general. Although social networks once served to keep in touch with the society, they have now evolved into an important tool of doing business. The industry that has experienced the most drastic changes since the creation of social networks, is undoubtedly the fashion industry. Now through social networks the society has access to information and trends of major world brand. Once, promotion was only able among public figures, compared to nowadays when every business has access to promotion – in particular promotion through social network. Consequently, social media has shown a tremendous effect on every industry, but we can say that it has revolutionized the fashion industry in terms of communication, marketing and the creation of a new work industry. In this presentation we will analyse these factors: Social networks in communication; Social Network Marketing Strategy and Diversity in the Fashion Industry


Fashion, COVID_19, pandemic, industry, Kosovo, inofrmation, social networks

Session Chair

Aferdita Statovci

Session Co-Chair

Artrit Bytyçi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:15 PM



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Oct 31st, 10:45 AM Oct 31st, 12:15 PM

The Impact of COVID 19 in Kosovo's fashion Insdustry

Lipjan, Kosovo

The global pandemic has had a major impact in the fashion industry in Kosovo. This does not only include changes in design, but also the way firms advertise and reach their customers. The purpose of this study is to explore the changes that have taken place in design as well as the ways in which social media has influenced fashion consumption. Secondary research was used to gather information for this study. Goals: During COVID-19, social networks have strongly influenced our daily life in general. Although social networks once served to keep in touch with the society, they have now evolved into an important tool of doing business. The industry that has experienced the most drastic changes since the creation of social networks, is undoubtedly the fashion industry. Now through social networks the society has access to information and trends of major world brand. Once, promotion was only able among public figures, compared to nowadays when every business has access to promotion – in particular promotion through social network. Consequently, social media has shown a tremendous effect on every industry, but we can say that it has revolutionized the fashion industry in terms of communication, marketing and the creation of a new work industry. In this presentation we will analyse these factors: Social networks in communication; Social Network Marketing Strategy and Diversity in the Fashion Industry