Integrated Design | 2020 UBT International Conference

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Saturday, October 31st
9:00 AM

Creating Promotional and Supporting Materials for an Exhibition: A Pandemic-specific case-study

Artrit Bytyçi, University for Business and Technology
Fatmir Azemi, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Organizing an exhibition is no easy feat. This process is further complicated with the 2020 pandemic-specific conditions. In this paper, the artist and the curator duo will discuss their personal example of organizing a site-specific exhibition in Prishtina, Kosovo, with a special focus on the materials they had to produce to support the exhibited artworks. From the inability to organize an exhibition opening event, to the videos, poster-images, and social media text, as well as zine-inspired catalogue they had to device in order to not only promote the exhibition, but also make it accessible and enticing for small groups of people that will be viewing it independently (so as to observe the social distancing rules). A special focus will be given to reviewing the creative process for the design of the zine-catalogue, the creation of the promo-video, as well as the decisions concerning the overall aesthetics of these works which had to comply and be in tune with the exhibited artworks. Solving these pandemic-specific problems was as much a matter of design as was of an impresario’s event organisation.

Design education: challenges and opportunities resulting from technological developments

Ylber Limani, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Design education has a special variety and has developed significantly in many countries of the world, initially being part of the academy of arts, and increasingly being transformed into universities and vocational technical education. Design programs have begun to rise in the second half of the 20th century, and have since grown rapidly based on extensive university programs. Such growth and positioning of education in Design has been achieved thanks to technological developments that are known as industrial revolutions. Technological revolutions have enabled changes in social demand, the achievement of design maturity as an academic discipline positioned between science and engineering, and the achievement of international design standards. In this scientific paper, we have applied the descriptive method of developing design programs within the broad university disciplinary context. Research questions address issues related to how design managed to unite engineering, the social sciences, and business studies in the broader industrial context. The unique design positioning near the engineering sciences has been supported by a large group of relevant expertise that has nurtured a combination of education, research and practice in the industrial context.

Development of an Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree in City and Children Studies

Serkan Bayraktaroglu, Istanbul, Turkey

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

By mid-century, over two-third of the world population will be living in cities and around 60% of them will be under the age of eighteen. Studies point out that children’s early experiences are crucial for shaping their lives and lay the foundation for future years. Children studies are relatively well developed in psychology, medicine, and pedagogy but are often overlooked in design education. However, designers have great chances to improve children and their caregivers’ relationships with the city. This study presents a brief review of design literature concerning children issues, and illustrates the development of an interdisciplinary degree focusing on City and Children Studies.

Exploring Collective Memory Through Art and Space: A Case Study for Organizing a Site-specific Exhibition

Fatmir Mustafa, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

This paper investigates the methods of exploring collective memory through art and space, specifically focusing on Fatmir Mustafa-Karllo’s exhibition “Mosquito Vapor Trails” which was curated by Artrit Bytyçi, for Paper Gallery in Prishtina, Kosovo. Special focus is given to the selection of the artworks, how the exhibition space itself serves as an environment which is in conversation with the works, as well as the curatorial process and text as not only as a reflection of the artist’s works, but also as an artwork in itself that provides an extra layer of meaning and discussion. Three artworks by Fatmir Mustafa-Karllo will be discussed: “Rapid Eye Movement,” “Picnic,” and “After the Stroke.” Furthermore, we will focus on discussing the importance of the exhibition space, especially on the fact that the current location of Paper Gallery and Paper Communications is at the former venue of Radio Prishtina, and how this space is in a conversation with the artworks exhibited therein. Finally we will focus on the process of writing the curatorial text, and how as much as it is in conversation with and support of the exhibition, it is also an artwork in itself.

Multidimensional Psychological Impact of Colors- The Impact of Individual Perception

Milot Gusia, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

This scientific research aims to bring to light the multidimensional psychological impact of colors in human perception. The research aims to find out whether there is a correlation between color preferences and profession, as well as whether the current individual psychological state, place of residence (rural or urban), gender, hunger and fatigue have an impact on the perception of colors and on color preferences. The research is conducted on a considerable group of individuals of wide gamut of different professions (Design, Architecture, Computer Sciences, Pharmacy, Medicine, Political Sciences, Music, etc). The experiment is conducted based on the Natural Color System. This system was selected because it is a perceptual model. The model is based on the color opposition hypothesis, proposed by German psychologist Ewald Hering. The system is convenient because it is based entirely on the phenomenology of human perception and not on the mixing of colors.

Politics, Architecture and its Role on Shaping Society The Example of Yugoslavia during Tito’s Administration

Sara Sylejmani, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Yugoslav architecture traced ideological, political and economic instructions. In parallel there was a historic persistence in every consistent republic and their arising architecture. Interwar period was a time of emergence of modern architecture in Yugoslavia through an architects that studied in Western schools or worked in prominent architect’s offices of a time. Yugoslav architects merged modernist approach with traditional elements advancing orthodox modernist venture. Despite that Socialist Yugoslavia searched for unified national identity, the architecture of a country was diverse since each consistent republic digested modernism it in its own way. The aim for modernity and the way to explore it, was unifying characteristic portrayed in cities of Yugoslavia. After the 1960s architecture in Yugoslavia as a protagonist finds its unique character touching all the cities of a region and represents country in international platform as modern in Western perspective.

Re-Discovering Home in a time of Pandemic

Sebil Spat, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The proliferation of COVID-19 made moving our home business mandatory. As architects and designers run their businesses from home, architectural and design education has begun to be conducted through distance learning through digital platforms. Architectural and design education, which is a process based on the exchange of ideas one by one between students and academics, and which functions through the correction of work done, is in a serious transformation at this point. With the introduction of established life, business concept and the emergence of various specialties, the development of transportation systems, the relationship of human beings with the home in a continuation over the ages has undergone a sudden change in the time of the pandemic. The day before the onset of the pandemic crisis, the living twentieth century individual was committing many of the practices of daily life outside the home, such as eating and drinking, entertainment, education, shopping, building social relationships and work. Today, at the last point we have reached, we are in an effort to adapt all of these practices at home during the pandemic where we live with all our contemporaries on a global scale. In the process, we seem to be meeting our homes again. On the other hand, today we are in a simulation of the digital revolution that started before us and destroyed physical space. In this study we aim to represent “the house”, with experience "closer" and "longer" in the quarantine time.

The possibility of 21st century art and design currents using artificial intelligence technology

Drenusha Kryeziu, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

This pilot study aims to lay the groundwork for a future long-term research project, which shows the analysis of data from 21st century painters and designers by visual artists. From Kosovo to EU countries around the world. This study focuses on artists and designers who mainly have the most famous works during this time period. Through questionnaires administered for specially selected paintings and designs, the study investigates issues such as the reasons needed to facilitate their artistic and professional practice Since the research is still ongoing, here we present preliminary data. In conclusion, it is necessary to expand the existing study and further research to more accurately study the phenomenon of creating a platform in facilitating the informative data of visual artists and designers. Recommendations for additional parameters, such as a larger size sample, additional specific questions for artists, and designers as well as the inclusion and facilitation of accurate information retrieval in the discussion section

10:45 AM

Digitization of Traditional Albanian Motifs and their Influence on National Culture, Identity and International Evolution

Gentijana Nebihi

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Exchange the Triadic Ballet

Cennet Lika, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Fashion Collection "Lidhëza. The Wrapping of Our Bodies"

Dafina Kadriaj Tahiraj, MA of Fashion Design, Germany

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Fashion Wearable Technology

Hana Zeqa, MA Costume Designer Fashion Technology researcher Founder and Designer of: Fight or Flight studio

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM


Aferdita Statovci, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

The Impact of COVID 19 in Kosovo's fashion Insdustry

Ardita Rizvanolli, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

The Impact of Covid-19 on the Creations of Fashion Designers

Ariana Gjoni, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM