Education and Development | 2020 UBT International Conference

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Thursday, October 1st
12:00 AM

Implementation of the Public Schools’ Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program and Level of Capabilities to Respond


Roselene Tabilon Tizon, Education Program Supervisor, Department of Education – Bayawan City Division
Sheena Mae Trestiza Comighud, Basic Education Researcher, Department of Education – Bayawan City Division

Lipjan, Kosovo

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Resources


Mary Jane O. Gelacio

Lipjan, Kosovo

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Saturday, October 31st
9:00 AM

Factors on Memory Retention: Effect to Students’ Academic Performance


Irene A. Pillado, Graduate School Student, MAEd-Mathematics, Foundation University, Dumaguete City, Philippines
Maria Chona Z. Futalana, Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, Foundation University, Dumaguete City, Philippines
Sheena Mae T. Comighud, Basic Education Researcher, DepEd-Bayawan City Division, Bayawan City, Negros Oriental, Philippines

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

This paper examined the factors contributory to memory retention affecting the academic performance in Mathematics of Grade 7 students of Kalumboyan High School, Bayawan City Division for SY 2019–2020. The study made use of the descriptive-correlational research design. The questionnaire covered five areas: motivational practices and experiences, goal setting and accomplishments, personalized learning, teaching strategies and learning activities, and educational resources and learning devices. The respondents of the study were the 160 Grade 7 students. The study utilized percentage, mean, weighted mean, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The salient findings revealed that the extent of students’ perception on factors contributory to memory retention were “high” in terms of motivational practices and experiences, goal setting and accomplishments, and personalized learning, while they perceived the use of teaching strategies and learning activities and the utilization of educational resources and learning devices to be “very high”. Moreover, the overall academic performance rating of the students in Mathematics is at a fairly satisfactory level. Also, it can be concluded that the extent to which students perceived the factors contributory to memory retention is “very high” and has a moderate and significant relationship to their academic performance in mathematics.

Implementation “SchoolMe” Platform in the classroom and improve the learning outcomes of primary school students


Arjana Zhubi, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The use of technology tools and online resources in the learning process has brought new experience to teachers and students in many parts of the world. Kosovo has made several efforts to achieve the integration of Technology within the education system. Part of it is the subscription of the `` SchoolMe`` Platform in some schools in Kosovo. This research aims at the successful integration of technology in learning activities from the point of view of delivering learning outcomes in different learning areas. The purpose of this research was to verify the application of Technology or online resources in primary schools and to enhance learning outcomes in the learning process. The data were collected from the questionnaire with 25 5th grade students in a primary school in Gjakova, which has a subscription to the online platform ``SchoolMe``. Sample selection was done randomly. To analyze the learning outcomes during the application of technology and applicability in other subjects I used the Post Hock test and the Correlation to measure the relationship between the two variables, respectively the correlation of perceptions about textbooks. The results of this research show that the application of technology and online resources in the classroom is necessary because it affects the increase of learning and learning outcomes in each subject, knowledge of new concepts, desire to learn independently, innovation during the learning process and the development of learning made it more attractive to students. The research recommends for the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Directorates of Education to find opportunities or donors to install the Platform in all schools in Kosovo as a permanent part of the learning process.

Motivation In Relation To Teachers’ Performance


Sheena Mae T. Comighud, Basic Education Researcher, Department of Education – Bayawan City Division
Melca Jamio Arevalo, Public Elementary Teacher, Department of Education – Bayawan City Division

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

This research used the descriptive-correlational method to determine the level of motivation in relation to teachers’ performance. The quantitative data were gathered from 89 teachers of District 6, Bayawan City Division, Negros Oriental for SY 2018-2019. Also, the researcher conducted a survey questionnaire. Descriptive–correlational method was used in this study. The statistical tools used in the analysis of the data were percentage, mean, weighted mean, and spearman rank correlation coefficient. The study found out that the level of motivation as perceived by the teachers was “very high” in terms of the following aspects: (a) existence needs; (b) relatedness; and (c) growth needs. In addition, it was also found out that the level of teachers’ job performance is at a “very satisfactory” level. Moreover, there is no significant difference in the level of teachers’ motivation when they are grouped and compared according to variables of age, sex and length of service, however, variables on highest educational attainment and average monthly income are found to be significant. Lastly, the relationship between the level of teachers’ motivation and the level of teachers’ job performance is found to be insignificant.

Online Learning Benefits and Challenges during COVID 19 - pandemic- A case study with SEEU students

Brikena Xhaferi, SEEU
Gëzim Xhaferi, SEEU

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The online teaching and learning has became a necessity for Universities around the globe during COVID 19-pandemic. The expansive nature of the Internet and the accessibility of technology have generated a surge in the demand for web based teaching and learning (Chaney, 2010). Online learning is also becoming a more commonplace in settings for elementary and high schools students who have used different communication tools to learn. This paper presents and analyzes the benefits and challenges of online teaching at SEEU during COVID 19-pandemic. To answer the research questions, we have used a student questionnaire containing 15 questions and also student reflection papers used during the online courses. As a result, the paper raises important questions about how to best support students enrolled in an online courses. The participants of the study are students of the English Language and literature program and German Language and Literature of SEEU in Tetovë, North Macedonia. Overall, the research indicates the benefits of online coursework outweigh the challenges that students face during the online classes. From a safety perspective, this study emphasizes the need to take into account the impact of online teaching on student motivation. Further research is needed in order to better evaluate the benefits, challenges, and useful strategies of successful students enrolled in online courses.

Parent – teacher voices in Kosovo schools A micro-study on parent involvement


Syzane Merovci, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Parent involvement is crucial toward successful child home learning, involving multitude of duties and responsibilities. Successful schools found that the role of parents in children’s education is invaluable and of paramount importance, therefore it is the most accurate predicator of a child’s success in school. Recent data shows that majority of research agree to the point that despite many strides made by schools to get things better, there are hindered barriers either coming from the family as well as from the school. Creating a sustainable collaborative partnership seems to be the biggest challenge faced by practitioners engaged in school reform, as many schools continue to struggle with defining and measuring substantial parent involvement. The aim of this study is to uncover some of the attitudes and perceptions and provide a more accurate picture of parent involvement, as well as understanding the barriers to increased involvement in schools. Teacher perceptions on this relation were used as supplementing part of the study. A group of 100 parents and 10 primary school teachers constituted the sample of the study. Two types of questionnaire were designed, each containing specific questions. Responses, when applicable were measured using a 5-point Likert scale. It is the researchers hope that this study will give voice to Kosovo parents in creating more collaborative efforts and in turn more successes for children as they continue on their educational journey.

Utilization of Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) in Relation to Students’ Academic Performance


Limer N. Arevalo, School Head, DepEd-Bayawan City Division, Bayawan City, Negros Oriental, Philippines
Sheena Mae.T Comighud, Basic Education Researcher, DepEd-Bayawan City Division, Bayawan City, Negros Oriental, Philippines

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

This research used the descriptive method to determine the extent of utilization of Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) in relation to Students’ Academic Performance in the Public Elementary Schools of Bayawan City Division, Negros Oriental for SY 2018-2019. The quantitative data were gathered from 68 teachers’ league presidents and 68 school heads. Also, the researcher conducted a survey questionnaire. Descriptive method was used in this study. The statistical tools used in the analysis of the data were percentage, mean, weighted mean, and spearman rank correlation coefficient. The study found out that the extent of utilization of the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) as perceived by the teachers’ league presidents and school heads was “high” in terms of the following aspects: (a) school operations and development; (b) teachers’ welfare and development and (c) students’ welfare and development. In addition, it was also found out that the level of students’ academic performance is at a “very satisfactory” level. Lastly, findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the extent of utilization of the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) and students’ academic performance.

10:45 AM

A Matching The Proportion Of The Distribution Of The Teaching Load For Knowledge, Skills And Abilities With The Proportion Required By Employers In The Labor Market

Bekim Murmullaku, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

This paper focuses on graduates of university programs in Kosovo and the type of Learning Outcomes achieved at the end of their studies. In this regard, it mainly scrutinizes the business requests and university offers regarding the ratio of teaching workload to knowledge on the one hand and skills / abilities on the other. In order to analyze the compatibility of business demand between what universities offer, in the ratio of teaching workload between knowledge and skills, there was used at a large extent the quantitative approach, collecting data through questionnaires for samples of two groups (businesses and universities). Therefore, data were obtained through a questionnaire in the period September - December 2019, from 254 respondents from businesses and 63 respondents from universities / colleges in Kosovo. In the meantime, the descriptive analysis of data and empirical findings are also analyzed, as well as the results of which have been depicted from statistical tests. In this perspective, it is worth noting that the results of the empirical findings indicate a discrepancy between the ratio of teaching workload between the knowledge and skills offered by university programs and those required by employers and the labor market. Obviously, there has been witnessed a big difference between the demands of businesses regarding this distribution of workload and what universities offer in their undergraduate programs. Meanwhile, 73% of respondents from the sample of universities stated that their institutions offer more knowledge than skills in the curricula of programs. Whereas, 70.9% of businesses require that university programs, teaching workloads shall be in compliance with the ratio between knowledge and skills / abilities. Moreover, 3.6% of respondents from the business sample agree with what university programs offer, concerning this issue.

An investigation of academic practices and attitudes correlated to delivering novel and fitting content in academic curriculum

Ylber Limani, University for Business and Technology
Edmond Hajrizi, University of Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

This paper examines recent academic education system concerning the novelty level of the curriculum. How novel contented and labor market oriented are higher education curricula? The assumption is that the academic education system may not be on the pace with the practical technological developments since the curriculum novelty does not correspond with the speed of technological and market dynamics. The qualitative and quantitative investigation of several university curricula within the country and abroad is expected to deliver interesting findings. The model of novel teaching content could be based on a set of arrangements within the strategic development plan were universities may address the possible distress within academic staff when novel content comes to be teaching. Providing the rationale behind the need to teach novel and fitting content; developing the strategic plan to decide about the content and about the needed resources to implement the plan; developing the staff capacity capable of fulfilling the requirements of teaching novel content.

Indicators of quality in Higher Education – Literature review


Dugagjin Sokoli, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

The educational indicators, like the rest of the social indicators, have experienced great diffusion in recent years. For this reason, education indicators are increasingly being talked about, in very different contexts and referring to very different realities. Despite the many drawbacks that present, quantitative indicators are still in the process of improvement and even creation, the truth is that they facilitate the analysis of education, although their values do not explain the causal relationships or allow conclusions to be drawn univocal. Although in the different editions (OECD, 2008) some concrete indicators have been varying, the general structure is maintained around four groups: context, resources, process, and results. Evaluating the number of students who complete the studies initiated serves not only to know the failure or academic success of a certain group of young people and, therefore, of a part of society, but also is a good way to measure the "efficiency" "of the educational system. The articulation between the education system and the world of work is one of the priority objectives of economic development policies. The finding that in most countries the qualification of workers does not correspond to that required by employers, converts these educational indicators - which evaluate the effectiveness of education in the training of workers - into indispensable for educational and labor planning. Effectiveness of education can be increased by: eliminating discrepancies between the competences acquired by graduates of higher education and the demand of the labor market and industry; lowering the disparity between the number of students enrolled in scientific careers and in the humanities, as well as the proliferation of private service providers.

Teachers' perceptions of their preparation to understand and apply the standards of the teaching profession

Egzona Spahiu, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

This research examines the level of implementation of teaching profession standards by teachers, research how teachers perceive their profession standards, and identifies the factors that affect the preparation of teachers for teaching standards. Knowing how to learn about the teaching profession, it presents a real challenge. It's an emphasized side where we should do interventions to promote reflective practice and prepare teachers for transferring professional knowledge to their profession as teachers. Therefore perceptions as well as the experiences of teachers in this study, represent a good basis for reforming the quality of study programs and professional training. Through them the need is addressed, that in the future teacher training to be in line with the standards of the teaching profession. The research addresses these research questions: 1, How do teachers understand the standards of the teaching profession?2. How well do teachers apply the standards of the teaching profession?3 What are the factors that affect the preparation of teachers for the standards of the teaching profession? The nature of the research is qualitative and quantitative. The study has been created with the survey of 360 teachers and the interview of the 8 elementary school teachers. The instruments for data collection are: half structured questionnaire and half-structured interview. Quantitative data are analyzed through SPSS, while qualitative data are analyzed through the thematic analysis approach. The results obtained from this study show that teachers generally apply the standards of the teaching profession. The analyzes made resulted in differences between certain groups of teachers where p <.05 for the level of implementation of these standards. Significant differences were also examined between groups of teachers, to identify factors for professional development. Thematic analysis has reflected different perspectives on teachers' understanding of standards, but not so diverse from the concept that in reality teaching standards are recognized and defined.

The implications of learning disabilities on foreign language learning

Vjosa Hashani, Doctoral School of Education University of Szeged

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

The aim of this article is to review the literature on the implications of learning disabilities (LD) on foreign language (FL) learning. Learning an FL is an increasingly important part of education worldwide. With the rise of the number of students that learn FLs, so has the amount of research that provides different explanations as to why some students face difficulties, do not perform well, or even fail FL courses. Generally, the following factors were taken into consideration: foreign language aptitude, lack of motivation, poor attitude, increased level of anxiety, personality and mismatch of teacher-student learning styles, and learning strategies. This article reviews the existing literature which focuses on cognitive variables, affective variables, and native language differences. It also proposes ways in which effective teaching methods can be devised to identify and help at-risk FL students.

Think-Pair-Share: Teaching Strategy Unravels Uncertainty


Duli Pllana, Mathematics Teacher at Jose Marti STEM Academy, Union City BOE, Union City, New Jersey, and Math Adjunct at Eastern International College, Bellville, New Jersey

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Think-Pair-Share and Uncertainty in general situations intersects several similarities with each other such as: thinking, communication, teamwork and creativity. Think-Pair-Share teaching strategy proceeds with three steps. Usually, it applies in all academic subjects; nonetheless, I employed it in algebra class when we analyzed open ended questions. As a teacher, I gave the question (real world situation question) to students, as a first step students read the question and analyzed the question individually. Second step, students paired in groups of four to five students; they discussed their thoughts (ideas how to solve the problem) about the question within their group. Step three, each group selects the best answer of their group; moreover, they share the answer with the class. Finally, students compared and contrast answers, then they evaluated the best answer that made a better sense (The best logical answer). Think-Pair-Share is closely related to uncertainty in new jobs. In the case, a worker faces an uncertain job; as a first step, he or she will think (analyze) the job. After the worker comes up with an answer, the worker will deliver the answer to other workers (to get a second opinion about the answer). Furthermore, all workers will share their ideas within the teamwork or company. Above all, workers with a consensus will select the best answers that might be practical during running their activities at the work- place.

1:30 PM

From Chalkboards to Chat boards: Resilient Educators

Bardha Gashi, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Technology has been increasingly present in education from elementary school to the university level since the new millennium. Computer labs are present in most well-equipped classrooms in schools and universities. Technology and the Internet have broadened and improved the education system even further through years. Many different platforms and applications integrated into lessons have facilitated the teaching and learning process. Moreover, with the integration of technology and the Internet in education, teaching and learning are becoming more informal and autonomous. Although, in the education system in Kosovo, before the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has been majorly neglected, especially in public schools. This paper focuses on the quick transition from chalkboards to chat boards and the potential of teachers to be resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic. The case study aims to make a micro reflection and review of the theories and methods of online teaching and what teachers need and want to change when they move to teach online. An online survey was sent to four groups of teachers at different levels. The findings were perceived similarly and differently to some extent by groups of respondents based on the level, subjects, educational backgrounds, and technological skills. The challenges and solutions are different for different levels and age groups, courses, online platforms and Apps, synchronous or asynchronous situations, and other technical tools and issues. As developers and shapers of education in the current global situations, teachers are assigned different roles, and online teaching is more complex than traditional classrooms. This paper has examined the practical applications for education in distance learning.

Instructional Supervision and Performance Evaluation: A Correlation of Factors


Sheena Mae T. Comighud, Basic Education Researcher, DepEd-Bayawan City Division, Bayawan City, Negros Oriental, Philippines
Maria Chona Z. Futalan, Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, Foundation University, Dumaguete City, Philippines
Roullette P. Cordevilla, Faculty Member, College of Teacher Education and Graduate School, Negros Oriental State University, Philippines

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

The study aimed to determine the correlation between instructional supervision and performance evaluation in the Public Elementary Schools of Bayawan City Division. The survey was descriptive and correlational in nature. It utilized the percentage, mean, weighted mean, and spearman rank correlation coefficient. The study found out that the extent of implementation of instructional supervision as perceived by the experienced teachers was “very high” in terms of the following aspects:(a) concept and purpose of instructional supervision; (b) planning and preparations for instructional supervision; and (c) organization and implementation of instructional supervision; (d) dialogue and discussion in post-instructional supervision; and (e) satisfaction with and evaluation of instructional supervision. Likewise, the extent of implementation of instructional supervision as perceived by the novice teachers was also “very high” based on how they rated their instructional supervisors in terms of the first three areas. In addition, a moderate relationship was found to exist between the teachers’ job performance evaluation and the extent of implementation of instructional supervision in the following aspects: (a) concept and purpose of instructional supervision; (b) planning and preparations for instructional supervision; and (c) satisfaction with and evaluation of instructional supervision.

Teachers’ experiences with Online teaching using the ZOOM platform


Adelina Ramadani, South East European University, English Language and Literature, Ilindenska 335, 1200 Tetovo, The Republic of North Macedonia

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

The Covid-19 virus appeared very fast around the globe and caused many damages to all of us. It caused many troubles in different fields such as: economics, business, factories, education etc. Many institutions around the world faced challenges and tried to find solutions. But the most difficult was about online teaching; most of the countries suggested many strategies and methods to teach students and learners through distinctive material and online platforms. It was suggested to use online programs as Google Classroom, Google Meet, Skype, Zoom and many other technological tools in order to help learners to continue with their studies. Using online platform in our country was very demanding because of many factors that influenced all of us. Although many teachers from different schools used many devices during the pandemic, Zoom was the main one. Teachers had different experiences and challenges during their teaching process through online platforms. They had many problems especially in the assessment and evaluation part; it was very difficult to evaluate learners through technological instruments and grading them correctly. This study is about teachers’ experience with the Zoom platform, to discover if teachers had difficulties with online teaching during the pandemic. This case study’s outcomes present valuable information to the teachers and future researchers because there is a limited number of studies in this field.

The Effect of Culture on Parental Involvement in the Muslim and Jewish Educational System

Moshe Sharabi, Yezreel Valley Academic College, Israel
Gilad Cohen Ynon, Center for the Study of Organizations & Human Resource Management, University of Haifa
Marina Soskis, Gordon, Academic College of Education, Haifa, Israel

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

To date, no comparison has been made between the Muslim and Jewish educational systems regarding parental involvement. This preliminary study examines the perceptions about parental involvement as described by the pedagogic staff and compares the two sectors. 16 staff members from 4 elementary schools (two Jewish schools and two Muslim schools) were interviewed. The findings indicate that parental involvement in the Muslim sector is lower than in the Jewish sector. The Muslim parents have more respect and trust towards the school, the principal, and the teachers compared to the Jewish parents which is reflected by lower involvement of the Muslim parents compare to the Jewish parents. While Jewish parents who volunteer for parents' associations use their status to promote their personal interest (their child’s benefit) and less desire to contribute to the school, Muslim parents volunteer more to help the principals and teachers to get resources from the Mayor/ Head of the municipal council and less for their own child’s benefit. The depth and the type of parental involvement in the Jewish and the Muslim educational systems can be explained by cultural differences, namely an individualistic Jewish society vs. a collectivistic Muslim society.

The Importance of Digital Skills in Education in the COVID-19 Era


Alma V. Lama, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Education is a fundamental right and we have to make sure we hold on to it despite any crisis and beyond. Just like in all the world, Kosovo has been affected by the pandemic COVID -19 in March 2020. The pandemic situation has changed how things function and it looks like this is going to be a new normal. As a result of it, all industries including the educational institutions, those private and public, had to reimagine how to switch into online performance and computer-based learning. Online learning has served as a lever to continue with education in an online platform and teachers worked hard to expect growth and productivity in every student. It is worth mentioning that since Kosovo became an independent country, we have never witnessed the educational disruption on this scale. We cannot predict exactly what the future information society will look like but at this time due to COVID -19 the world has experienced a new way of living and together with it we are witnessing the importance of having digital skills as a revolution which is impacting every industry but also in a dramatic way, in the field of education. How the education continued during the pandemic of COVID - 19, in Kosovo has raised different voices in education development during the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020. This paper will discuss the problems and challenges of teaching and learning during the pandemic time, the importance of digital skill and digitalization as a backup plan, and as a solution, so the education must not freeze in time as this.

The Importance of Environmental Education in the Education System

Lejda Abazi, University of Tirana

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Environmental education is an area that includes many disciplines, which develops knowledge, awareness, critical attitude, values and skills that will enable individuals and society to maintain and improve the quality of the environment in which they live. Environmental education teaches critical thinking, raises public awareness, directs the solution of environmental problems. It is the cornerstone of growing a society responsible for the future of our planet. And such encourages us to cooperate with national and international partners to acquire new techniques and methods in this regard. Environmental education, especially for students and young people, helps us to create a new relationship with the environment and nature. This teaching discipline is as important as mathematics, language, literature, etc. Students at school learn about great writers who have described nature in wonderful words; about painters who have presented extraordinary landscapes, but the students themselves have the opportunity to contribute individually to the preservation of the environment, and nature itself. The environment is also linked to sports and medicine because the nature is closely linked to public health. A clean environment brings more energy and less disease. Harmony with the environment brings harmony even within the community itself. The environment unites us with each other and is the legacy that connects us to future generations. Therefore, the younger generation needs to be more educated about the environment, because the nature that surrounds us, determines who we are as citizens, students, and human beings. The need for a more complete and multidimensional education is posed today not only as an alternative to having more civilized individuals, but often also as a single solution to challenge the various problems we face. Environmental problems at the local and global level make environmental education, and wider education, a criterion for developing sustainable lifestyles. Today more than ever, environmental education is being seen as a priority in national and international discussions of environmental issues and beyond.


Manjola Brahaj Halili, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

One of the unethical practices in many Balkan countries, as well as in the Republic of Kosovo, is the realization of scientific works, diplomas and studies with stolen elements in different processes and levels of study. It often happens in such activities that copyright is obtained, so we have here the occurrence of plagiarism. Therefore, since I teach the subject of "Academic Writing and Methodology" I decided to do research on plagiarism and its relationship with academic ethics in Kosovo. The problems of the nature and development of science are important and closely related to them are the concepts of morality in science too. Based on the types of scientific fraud, in this paper we will address the issue of plagiarism, the causes and effects of plagiarism on the loss of scientific values. The methods used for conducting this research are the questionnaire and the literature study.