Language and Culture | 2020 UBT International Conference

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Thursday, October 1st
12:00 AM

Approaches and Treatment of Languages in Multiethnic Societies. Case Study: Republic of North Macedonia


Arta Toci, South East European University, Tetovo, R. of North Macedonia

Lipjan, Kosovo

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Saturday, October 31st
9:00 AM

Correlations between national psychology and institutional culture


Dervish Alimi, University of Tetova

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

In Psycholinguistics, there are obvious linguistic relations between the tradition of a nation and its attitude towards the state institution, concerning the obedience to the laws and the respect for orders of the political institutions representing the state authorities. The special path of history of a nation, fulfilled with continuous fights for liberation has also impacted the lack of use of the vocabulary related to the institutional culture, whereas the nations that didn’t need to fight for their freedom, but in the contrary, they have fought to conquer lands and spread their civilizations, have a rich vocabulary regarding to the Institutional culture. The first ones considered the institutions of a foreign state to be strange and imposed for them, as they have been representing the institutional culture of the occupier or the invader. Therefore, they refused the obedience to these rules, even far later after the national liberation. The lack of vocabulary related to the culture of law and politics, later filled with borrowings and international words, is another proof for the lack of the words related to the state institutions and for the mindset of the inhabitants. For these reasons, there is an evident psychological confusion related to loss of the primary meaning of the foreign words and their later use for special needs in the native vocabulary, is the consequence of the lack of the institutional culture in the national psychology, e.g. order, law, instructions, judgments, concession, context, contest, etc.

From English Language learners to intercultural citizens

Trendeline Haliti, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

In order for a person to be competent in English, it is not only about learning the basics of it, it is about how well you use it for the purpose that you have learned it, that is to say, how confidently you communicate in English, how well you understand different contexts in which language is put, how much you feel able to avoid misunderstandings and to put a flow to the communication. Here comes into consideration culture as one of the most important aspects of a language. Thus, it needs to be an inseparable part of EFL language classrooms. Also, it is not only about learning the target culture. Many students, depending on their family and education background, are not even aware of their own culture. Therefore, teaching the foreign culture can be considered as a tool for developing the sense of culture in general, and raise the awareness of students of the concepts and principles of culture all around the world, even theirs. This article aims to provide an insight on the importance of cultural awareness in English Language Classrooms, the attention that should be paid to culture of English when this language is being taught to students and ways how to do incorporate it within the class.

Gender Stereotypes Portrayed through Colours in Magazines– Corpus-Based Study


Rina Krasniqi, University of Sheffield

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the corpus of two magazines (Cosmopolitan and Men’s Health) and whether they sub-consciously portray gender stereotypes. This study focuses on the usage of the seven basic colors (Primary (N=3), secondary (N=3), and black) in the magazines, their frequency in articles, and the purpose of usage. A mixed method was used in order to retrieve the results of this research. The quantitative method was utilized to extract the frequency of a color in both magazines, whereas the qualitative method explored the usage of colors in context, so within the articles. The findings of the study may suggest a tendency toward gender stereotypes and advertising stereotypes through the usage of colors in combination with clothes or body parts which were found during the qualitative method.

The benefits of using music as a tool for language learning

Danny Singh, Rome, Italy

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how music can be an essential tool for learning languages. First of all, music is a form of communication and compared to many of the other art forms used to communicate, such as dance, art, films etc, it is probably one of the easiest for everyone to participate in. Music changes our body temperature, it affects our mood, our energy levels and most importantly, our emotions. It is well-known that our best and worst emotional experiences are impossible to forget, whether or not we want to. We remember everything linked to our emotions, the event itself, plus all the minor details which we would normally forget. This strong link between music and emotions means that music can stimulate memory. When we hear a song or piece of music, an experience we have had comes to our mind, maybe an image, a situation. We associate each song or piece of music with our experience, be in positive or negative. This association between music and memory can only facilitate learning, so rather than using traditional old-fashioned techniques which often make learning a burden and a struggle, why not use a simple and effective form of communication, which stimulates our emotions and makes learning that much easier?

The effects of language etiquette culturally-bound expressions on EFL students at Mila University

Abderrahim Bouderbane, University of Mila, Algeria

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

This paper investigates the effects of language etiquette of English on EFL Learners at Mila University. The fact is that, EFL students use language etiquette inside and outside the classroom context. However, the misuse of language etiquette creates confusion and misunderstanding between teachers and learners when using adjacency pairs during conversations inside and outside the classroom context. This paper tries to unveil the main reasons behind the thorny issue of language etiquette, and its influence on Arabic speakers of English. The assumption made here hypothesises that background knowledge of L2 is an important factor to understand language etiquette expressions. In this paper, a sample of 75 students is selected randomly from a population of 200 EFL students at the department of foreign languages, at Mila University. Then, the sample was given small conversations in which language etiquette common words, phrases and expressions are underlined, and students are required to explain their meanings. The focus of this test is on cultural-bound aspects namely: collocations, forms of address and gestures. These culturally-bound aspects are important when they are used in conversation, since the context determines the extent to which these expressions are used. The results indicate that exposure, background information and familiarity with language etiquette expressions are important factors to speak effectively and efficiently in different contexts.

The multiculturalism in North Macedonia between naturalism and the political perception

Xhyla Celiku, University of Tetova
Arbër Çeliku, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Macedonia is a country where there are living together many ethnicities as: Macedonians, Albanians, Serbians, Bulgarians, Turkish, Romans and Wallach and it is the best example of natural multiculturalism, which has been historically manipulated through the politics and led the country towards a steady conflict. After North Macedonia became an independent state in 1991, the different political parties in power tried to use and misuse the common value of the society: the multiculturalism. But all of them didn’t implement an approach which was based in the naturalism, although they created only a political perception which failed again and again. First of all, the source of the dissatisfaction of Non-Macedonian ethnicities in North Macedonia is the Constitution which permanently promotes a one-nation state: “The country of North Macedonia belongs to the Macedonians and the others” (Preamble). Even the conflict in 2001 and the achieved peace agreement (Ohrid Framework Agreement) after that which supposed to project an open society, couldn’t change the whole situation. My aim in this paper work is to prove that the natural facts of multiculturalism in North Macedonia don’t match at all with the political perception based in profit and domination. I have conducted a survey during 1 st of February till 1 st of March 2019 with representatives of the two biggest ethnicities in North Macedonia: Albanians and Macedonians and the results are giving us a real picture about the real functioning of multiculturalism in North Macedonia.

The task-based and intercultural approach in Foreign Language Classes: Do we need to teach culture when teaching a foreign language?

Drita Kelmendi, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The task-based and intercultural approach are key concepts of modern foreign language teaching. In addition, they are among the Council of Europe's most important requirements for the training of foreign language teachers. But how are the teachers handling with this? How do they prepare for task-based and intercultural language courses and how do they motivate their students? On the other part of my research I observe how students perceive foreign language teaching? Can they see the concrete / task-based and intercultural aspect in the representations of their teachers? In my presentation at the conference I would like to put the stress on the student’s point of view, focusing on the importance of culture when it comes to foreign language teaching.

10:45 AM

A typology of semantic change of words and the raise of new linguistic frames during COVID 19 pandemic

Jetmire Aliu, University of Tetova
Arbër Çeliku, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

The pandemic, which suddenly gripped the globe in its clutches, in addition to changing our way of life, also affected our way of speaking, communicating and behaving, and affected our entire cultural segment. The situation has accelerated research in many areas, primarily in the field of medicine, where maximum efforts are made to find an adequate cure, but there is no research left in the field of psychology and sociology, because the situation of pandemics significantly affects in human psychology and in the overall social course. The Coronavirus lightly invaded media discourse and public discourse, giving us linguists ground for research in many areas: the meaningful change of words, the introduction of new words, the construction of specific metaphors, the widespread use of sarcasm, irony, and so on. The aim of this paper is to address these areas of public discourse and to create the typological linguistic framework at the time of the Corona crisis.

American Road Movies: Bony Clyde and Easy Rider


Halil Bashota, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

With the advancements in science and technology in 1930s and the great developments in industrial revolution, road narratives have flourished due to a reflection of the American society towards the dynamic and upheaval changes that have happened by the recovery from the war. These multifaceted approaches to the road narratives differ, but in most cases it remains within one flow, from journey to their daily routines, traveling, means of transportations by car or motorcycles, decisions taken, and everything until the story, that is narrating the whole picture of the adventure. Therefore, the paper will study the comparison of American road movies Bony Clyde and Easy Rider.

Concerns and outcomes of teaching English as a Foreign Language online during the Covid 19 pandemic


Laura Naka, University of Gjakova

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

From the perspective of teachers in general, teaching in-person to online teaching was concerning and quite challenging. In the middle of March, Kosovo faced the same challenge as other countries in the world. English language teachers began immediate preparations to implement the curriculum by changing their strategic approach to teaching. In addition to the concerns they had about the progress and implementation of the lesson, they also faced the concerns of students to be part of online classes. The study is conducted through semi structured interviews with English foreign language teachers in schools of the municipality of Gjakova. Descriptive research method is used in the present study in order to understand as concretely as possible the challenges and problems faced by teachers during online learning. but eventually, the study shows that despite the difficulties, English language teachers have positively evaluated the realization of online teaching and learning and have also stressed that such a ‘sudden experience’ has affected their professional development. The present study is focused in two main research questions: What are the difficulties you experienced while teaching in online classes? and... How effective was English language learning during online teaching? Some of the challenges mentioned by English language teachers were the problems with the internet network that continues to be a concern in our country, motivation to learn due to students' poor emotional condition afraid of the virus, lack of activities used to be done in- person while being in school, etc. As a result, it seems that all this challenge has given a good message to teachers to become strategic teachers.

Multiculturalism: An overview of communication issue of hostile communities, Serb and Albanian in Kosovo

Feride Lohaj, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

This article examines the evolution of multiculturalism in Kosovar society focusing on Albanians and Serbs both as citizens of Republic of Kosovo. Backlash of multiculturalism in Kosovo causes enlargement of communication gaps between these two communities. Is multicultural education applied in schools enough for improvement of communication? Does Kosovar government need to design steady long-lasting joint projects in order to develop interculturalism in Kosovo before multiculturalism and does it damage and cause separation of particular territories from Kosovo? Can English language contribute on communication that can increase trust and cooperation between these two societies? According to experiences of other multicultural countries, development of interculturalism is a long challenging process. This article also gives the answer to the above-mentioned questions.

Standard, literary or official language, similarity and difference

Dervish Alimi, University of Tetova

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

In linguistic and political terminology, we come across many abstract terms and notions that aim to define written language in its various uses. The literal language of the word (originally the "language of letters") has recently been increasingly replaced by the word standard language, meaning the definition of certain grammatical norms or rules for the use of written language in terms of codification or unification of written words that would apply to all cases in similar situations of their use, either as separate units or as integral parts within the sentence. Such dilemmas arise especially in cases of borrowing words of foreign origin, which in some cases are accepted as such without modification or with minor modification in terms of their grammatical adaptation by means of suffixes in the translation language, for the purpose of their Albanianization. At the same time, the need for precise codification of the use of the Albanian letter "ë" is unavoidable, which for foreigners who want to learn Albanian is a barely passable obstacle, among others, due to insufficient scientific research in comparative linguistics and contrastive analysis of the grammatical use of the Albanian language with the sister foreign languages. Even the concept of official language is faced with linguistic and political dilemmas and confusion regarding the use of written or standard language with special legal status, especially in terms of the need and volume of its use in state administration institutions and public life in the country.

Study on Gender Biased Language usage in Spanish Secondary Learning Regulations


Manuel A. Bejarano Bache, University of Pablo de Olavide

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Currently, Society past mistakes about gender discrimination are being recognized. Social and civic strife are achieving to take out barriers, pre-established by means of hard pressure and control from male chauvinism. One of these barriers is that which is set through non-inclusive and sexist language, frequently biasing the message to the masculine sector, neglecting or keeping women down or on invisibility. This language is widely used and we can see it nowadays in official administrative documents. In spite of to-the-change tendency which is important and realizable, and the hard efforts which are being carried out, incomplete attempts to carry out this processing-oriented-to-inclusive-language introduction have been found, as can be viewed in official documents about Education terms & regulations. In this paper gender biased language into the R.D. 1631/2006 was studied, setting out the specific expressions along with the prompting, attending the own qualified administrations’ wisdom and at their, decisions and implementations disposal.

Teaching English for Specific Purposes – Understanding the Teacher’s role in ESP Teaching


Mrika Hana Nagavci, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

English Language has become more than a necessity for different backgrounds; nevertheless, the need for ESP (English for Specific Purposes) became an interest of certain business people in order to improve their communications skills, focusing in vocabulary enrichment. The following paper will discuss the ESP phenomenon, examining the role of teachers based on a case study developed at a public company “Training and Development Center “of Kosovo Telecom. There has been an assessment of the modules of ESP, teacher’s role and methodology. The research was based upon a questionnaire that helped the author in measuring the impact ESP had on the candidates. The questions were carefully analyzed and delivered to 250 people, out of which 200 responses were collected. The respondents were 60% above 35 years old, 59% were male respondents, 88% of the respondents were positively affected by the training courses, 58% strongly improved their communication skills and 75% of the respondents highly evaluated the skills of the ESP teacher.

1:30 PM

A challenging teaching approach of the Albanian translation of Episode 18, “Penelope’’ in James Joyce’s “Ulysses”

Rozana Bela, University of Tirana

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Reading James Joyce’s Ulysses is a real challenge. It took James Joyce eight years to write Ulysses (1914-1922). A real challenge was publishing it too. Hadn’t it been for Nora, Joyce’s wife, who saved the final manuscript in a moment of crisis of the author, the world wouldn’t have Ulysses today. The very genesis of Ulysses seems to have been a real challenge of a masterpiece, and as when ‘written in the stars’, translating it in any language of the world, and in Albanian undoubtedly, is a challenge. Episode 18 “Penelope” can very easily be considered as amongst the most difficult literary writings. The interior monologue of the only character, Molly Bloom, which knows an only punctuation mark for almost one hundred pages, at the very end of the entire memories of Molly, makes the episode difficult to translate, and moreover very difficult to teach translation through Joyce’s Episode 18 in Ulysses.

Learning and teaching German as a Foreign Language in the mask era

Majlinda Ferati Muja, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

The integration of technology in foreign language learning and teaching has expended rapidly in the last few years and provided numerous opportunities in traditional face- to-face classrooms. However, the COVID-19 crisis has significantly disrupted teaching and learning practices at all level education institutions worldwide. It has ultimately raised the use of technological tools as an alternative way to maintain teaching and learning services. Moreover, the pandemic lockdown made educational institutions switch to digital learning- teaching process, requiring from teachers and students to harness it properly to achieve the goal. This paper presents the theoretical framework of digital teaching and learning design methods and empirical results from a case study conducted with students at UBT enrolled in a German language class. Our study explores two questions: First, can digital foreign language teaching and learning be implemented? Second, does it support learning processes and achieve the goals? The findings of the study demonstrate that digital learning can be an effective approach to helping students achieve their learning goals. This study also provides strategies for second-language teachers to manage challenges encountered during digital teaching and learning.-

Learning English through idioms; in addition, Idioms as a bridge towards understanding English better by the Albanian students from Kosovo

Mirsad Suhodolli, AAB College

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Learning English is not as difficult as it seems to people in general, provided that proper methods are used to teach it to the students. This paper deals with the importance of idioms as a bridge towards understanding English better as well as the ways Albanian students understand English idioms more easily. It is based on a study (for the title of PhD) carried out with fourth-year students from Fehmi Agani Public University in Gjakova and the first-year students from Universum College in Prishtina and Ferizaj, more particularly in the English departments at these universities. The researcher has paid particular attention to the ways the students from these university comprehend English idioms by also comparing some of the local idioms used Kosovo-wide. This, as seen from the study, may serve as a good ground and aid in teaching idioms in particular and English in general to the Albanian students in Kosovo.

The development of intercultural competency through English Language Learning


Alma Lama, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Culture shows the life people live and as of this fact, we see that the term culture refers to beliefs, ideas, values, and knowledge of one nation. On the other side, we also can say that culture and language are bonded together and they cannot be separated when learning takes place as it develops standard communication skills. Otherwise, if languages are taught without their cultures, students are only the visitors of the language who aren’t familiar in detail about the origin of a particular language. Therefore, one of the strategies to learn English as a foreign language is if we see it through its culture and acquire this learning through the technique of competency base learning as it helps students develop their skills in their pace and provides students with useful models of authentic use of the language in the classroom and online. The purpose of this study is to discover the possibilities of learning English for the development of intercultural competence and to distinguish successful teaching methods for the development of this competence in higher education also to show that students need to acquire these competencies, so they can have the most effective communication with individuals from the cultures of English-speaking countries.

The metaphorisation of ‘Vegeta’ in the Albanian political discourse


Jetmire Aliu, University of Tetova
Arbër Çeliku, University for Business and Technology

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Metaphor, as a stylistic figure, finds use in both professional and everyday discourses. It serves as a weapon of expression, as a means of expressing the ninth, figurative and ornate meaning. In our communication space, recently, metaphor finds a dense use even in political discourse. In the current circumstances of Albanian policy-making, it often happens that we have conceptual ambiguities in the expression of what is said, scandals and even linguistic distortions, which cause a visible confusion of the entire public opinion. The most recent example to illustrate this is the metaphor of the vegeta in front of the media, by an Albanian party leader in the Republic of Northern Macedonia. Consequently, due to the thematic specificity, this case will be the object of study of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the special discursive implications, which are becoming more unconventional and more present in Albanian policy-making.

Translations Into Albanian Of The Novel “Don Quixote Of La Mancha” And His Reception By The Albanian Reader


Manjola Brahaj Halili, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

The object of this work will be the two parts novel by the writer Migel de Cervantes, translated into Albanian by two different authors. Through the analysis of the text, but also through the criticisms that have been made for these translations, we will highlight its values and the great importance it had for the Albania of that time. How it was received by the reader and how much it was appreciated by the critics. This is where the originality and value of our work lies, as no scientific research has been done about this topic before. The methods used will be mainly textual and comparative analysis methods, combined with each other. The literature to be used will be theoretical literature related to translation and reception as a communication process. But there will also be critical literature, which includes articles and writings that have been made on the translation of this work into Albanian.

3:15 PM

A Passage to India, a novel about the two contrary ways of contemplation, between the Indians and the British throughout the reign of the Raj in India


Vlera Bytyqi, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

3:15 PM - 4:45 PM

From the very creation of the human beings, history makes us, the human beings, almost never satisfied with each other, thus, instead leaving a ’wonderful’ spiritual and physical inheritance to humanity, which like it or not, mainly can be defined as disastrous, due to the ancient desire to possess more than we deserve. In a magnificent way the author of this novel, Edward Morgen Forster, extremely realistically described the occupation of India by the British Raj-rule- dating from 1858 – 1947. The main idea prevailing throughout the whole book is the tendency of the Indians to show hospitality of their people and country. On the other hand, the British, rather meanly were extremely successful in showing themselves as the owners of everything in and about India. The novel tells the very interesting relations among the protagonists, furthermore the extremely beautiful landscapes of India, by giving the majority of them an appropriate meaning. As far as the main characters are concerned, they are divided, as with a knife in two extremes, the good ones and the bad ones. Consequently, this brilliant novel, achieves its aim by the extremely interesting dialogues among the characters through which the reader understands every single happening and message of the main idea. Having read the book the reader solves any kind of dilemma that might appear.

Intertextuality and the Twin Phenomenon between The Thirteenth Tale and The Turn of the Screw


Silvishah Miftari Goodspeed, Nova International School, Skopje, North Macedonia

Lipjan, Kosovo

3:15 PM - 4:45 PM

The Thirteenth Tale is a contemporary Gothic novel written by Diane Setterfield, in which the author included various elements of the original 18 th century genre, building up her plot and basing her characters on different classic works that are scattered throughout the storyline. This essay deals with the intertextuality between the book and one of the classic narratives it references, The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. The main focus of the paper is on the phenomenon of twins that characterizes both fictions. For attentive readers both the analogy and dichotomy between the two novels are evident, though Setterfield’s story introduces a new third sibling, giving to her own chain of events a fresh, eerie extension and a complexity to the plot.

The Incarnation of Biopower and Biopolitics in the Novel “Women as Lovers” and “Greed” by Elfriede Jelinek

Faroz Ahmad Ganai, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India

Lipjan, Kosovo

3:15 PM - 4:45 PM

The aim of the research paper entitled “The Incarnation of Biopower, and Biopolitics in the novel Women as Lovers and Greed by Elfriede Jelinek” is to decipher how the omnipresent modern technologies of power are used to exploit the human sentiments. The paper will also portray the power dynamics working through different institutes of the society that ultimately subjugate, traumatize, alienate, dehumanize, and disperse the subjects. The characters of Elfriede Jelinek are always struggling to achieve self-actualization, dignity, and esteem as they have been fragmented and tormented by the power struggle in the society. The novel Women as Lovers and Greed by Elfriede Jelinek depict the way the class of the society suffers from prejudice, animosity, and malice in the Austrian society. Through the characters like Brigitte, Paula, and Gerti, the author has highlighted the violence of the basic rights, and injustice confronted by the people particularly the women atrocities and oppression employing both capitalism and patriarchy. She has exposed the hypocrisies of the social structures, the hollowness of the social conventions, the cunningness of the traditional rituals, and patriarchal domination that led to the oppression and suppression of the characters since they are demonized and marginalized in society. Jelinek has been successful while providing the chilling and truthful vision of women’s precarious position in the Austria dominated entirely by men and money. Her characters are treated like tissue papers that entail the subjugation of human life to capitalist labor. Hence, the paper will analyze the issues of power politics and power dynamics in the novel Women as Lovers and Greed by Elfriede Jelinek through the technologies of power from the Foucauldian perspective.