UBT Building and Infrastructure Engineering - Conference Presentations | Building and Infrastructure Engineering - Faculty Works | University for Business and Technology in Kosovo

The Civil Engineering department is a community of learners committed to providing outstanding educational opportunities to our students. Students, staff and faculty in the department are engaged in a variety of state and industry-supported research projects that directly address the improvement of urban infrastructure and access to clean water.

Research Activities

  • Civil and Transportation Infrastructure Engineering
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Pavement and materials engineering
  • Traffic and transportation engineering
  • Structural engineering
  • Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Surface/groundwater hydrology
  • Hydraulic engineering
  • Environmental engineering


Works from 2018


Does an(y) order exist within the Structural Art, Feti Selmani

Management of Drinkable Water Losses in The Water Supplay Sector of Malisheva, Burim Sopaj, Nexhmi Krasniqi, and Hazir Cadraku

The parameters of construction pollution index, Afrim Syla

Audit of Canalization Network Concerned with Removal of Sewage In Rahovec, Arton Thaqi, Nexhmi Krasniqi, and Faruk Hajrizi


Adaptation of Wood Processing Engineers to New Technologies, Ramadan Topuzi and Arben Bejtja

Flood and Source Protection for Wellfield “Pusi i Atit”-Grejokvc - Suhareke, Sokol Xhafa, Egzona Bejtullahu, Muhamet Ahmeti, and Alberina Gashi

Assessment of enterprise level management in construction sector in Kosovo, Emine Daci Zejnullahi, Jeton Zogaj, Sibel Halko-Shatri, Besim Duraku, Arton Thaqi, Burim Sopaj, Gezim Krasniqi, and Valdrin Hoxha

Works from 2017

Landslide hazard for the residents of Shipitull Village in the South-West surface mine of Sibovc, Hysen Ahmeti and Vehbi Duraku


Negative Impacts (SBS) in residential buildings case studies from Kosovo, Muhamet Ahmeti and Mimoza Sylejmani

Micro armed concrete and cracks on slabs, Patriot Ahmeti, Visar Krelani, Besian Sianani, and Armend Mujaj

Effect of fly ash on setting times of concrete Comparison of result by using Kosovo’s and Japan’s fly ash, Anjeza Alaj and Tatsuya Numao


P.M. 2.5 and Air Pollution in Prishtina, Rushiti Bardh, Futko Annea, Zeka Blin, and Musliu Afete

Interrelation between constructions, materialization and infrastructure of new buildings in Prishtina, Binak Beqaj, Muhamet Ahmeti, and Visar Krelani

Geothermal sources in the Republic of Kosovo, Hazir Çadraku

Method of research method of impact of accidents of the communication and preventive measures, Nol Dedaj and Valon Dedaj

Key Lecture - Self-Healing Capacity for a Sustainable High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite, Liberato Ferrara, Visar Krelani, Saulo Rocha Ferreira, and Romildo Dias Toledo Filho

Geological-Technical Research on The Best Path Adoption For The Road Tetovo-Prizren, Idaver Huseini, Nexhmi Krasniqi, Izet Ibrahimi, and Asan Idrizi

Enhancement in asphalt concrete qualities by utilizing Ferronickel slag, Izet Ibrahimi, Muhamet Ahmeti, and Nexhmi Krasniqi

Challenges of Real Estate Appraisers in Kosovo, Marjan Ivezaj

Use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Heritage Buildings in Kosovo, Besar Jagxhiu and Ferhat Bejtullahu

Siphon rainwater drainage and advantages with larger buildings, Naim Krasniqi, Paul Galligan, Nexhmi Krasniqi, Idaver Huseini, and Izet Ibrahimi

Animal By-Products and Waste Processing and Extermination Technology and Environmental Preservation, Nexhmi Krasniqi, Islam Fejza, Izet Ibrahimi, Vlerë Krasniqi, and Idaver Huseini


Reducing the Porosity and Sealing Cracks by Using Crystalline Admixture in Conventional Concrete, Visar Krelani and Liberato Ferrara

Correlations between non-destructive (UPV) and destructive tests of conventional concrete using high-early strength cement, Driton R. Kryeziu, Armend Mujaj, Visar Krelani, Mevlan Qafleshi, and Fisnik Kadiu

The effect of (L/d) ratio in the strength of metallic elements under the central compression based on SKEN-1993-1-1, Armend Mujaj, Driton R. Kryeziu, Besian Sianani, Visar Krelani, and Fisnik Kadiu


Developing a new total sediment transport formula, Davut Okeu, Sokol Xhafa, Sevdije Govori, and Majlinda Daci


Using of proper pavement material for the Intersections with slow-moving traffic, Bekim Selimi

Form and Logic of structures, F. H. Selmani

Theoretical Investigation of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Steel and Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars, Besian Sianani, Metin Hakan Severcan, and Ilker Fatih Kara


The effect of Particles PM10 and PM2.5 in dust emission of urban infrastructure from Thermal Power Plant Technology Kosovo, Afrim Syla

Source Protection: Environment Impact of Waste Water Treatment Plant at Mramor – Badovc Lake, Sokol Xhafa, Ilir Abdullahu, Davut Okcu, Sabrie Spahiu, and Ninez Kosumi

Works from 2016


Effects of Sustainable Materials in Construction, Environment and Health, Muhamet Ahmeti, Mimoza Sylejmani, and Vlora Aliu


Prediction of Punching Shear Capacity of Two-Ways FRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs, Ilker Fatih Kara and Besian Sinani


Modeling of Flexural Strength of Fiber Reinforced Concretes Containing Silica Fume or Fly Ash by GEP, Mustafa Saridemir and Besian Sinani


Treatment Possibilities of the Municipal Wastewaters in Ferizaj, Kosovo, Bekim Selimi

Works from 2015


Climate Change and Drinking Water, Muhamet Ahmeti and Ilira Abdullahu


The effects of recycling asphalt use in terms of economic growth and environmental improvement in Kosova, Muhamet Ahmeti and Binak Beqaj


Processing of GIS data and building of 3D dem models with FME transformer tools, Hebib Alili, Fadil Shehu, and Shenur Muslija


Reducing the Porosity and Sealing Cracks by Using Crystalline Admixture in Conventional Concrete, Visar Krelani and Liberato Ferrara


The impact of Municipal Waste Water in Neredime River, Kosovo, Bekim Selimi

Works from 2013


Interpretation of 3D city models for Sustainable Urban Development, Hebib Alili and Fadil Shehu


Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Republic of Kosovo, Ferhat Bejtullahu


Urbanization and Socio-Urban Developments in Prishtina in Post-Conflict period, Besim Gollopeni


Flexible Use And Aplication Of Energy Efficiency Measures In Existing Multi-Residential Buildings, Sadije Kelmendi and Vlora Aliu


Strategic Management Of Secondary Raw Materials In Kosovo As Economical Potencial And Environmental Protection For The Country, Ibrahim Krasniqi


Pervious Concrete-New Solution for Sustainable Urban Street Construction Case: Prishtina and Tirana, Driton R. Kryeziu, Mevlan Qafleshi, and Fisnik Kadiu


The Analysis of Interface of Social-Technical Aspects within Transport Planning and Urban Design, Ylber Limani, Binak Beqaj, and Vlora Aliu


Effects of Buildings and Environment in Our Everyday Life, Arlinda Sheqiri


Symbolism and Poetics of Autogenic Space and Structures – The New Design Approach on Mosque as Representative Building (Design Proposal for the Central Mosque of Prishtina as Case Study), Banush Shyqeriu and Kushtrim Hajdari


Replacement Of A Monolith Reinforced Concrete Slab With A Lightweight Cobiax System Construction, Mimoza Sylejmani and Blerta Emini