UBT Building and Infrastructure Engineering - Conference Presentations | Building and Infrastructure Engineering - Faculty Works | University for Business and Technology in Kosovo

The Civil Engineering department is a community of learners committed to providing outstanding educational opportunities to our students. Students, staff and faculty in the department are engaged in a variety of state and industry-supported research projects that directly address the improvement of urban infrastructure and access to clean water.

Research Activities

  • Civil and Transportation Infrastructure Engineering
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Pavement and materials engineering
  • Traffic and transportation engineering
  • Structural engineering
  • Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Surface/groundwater hydrology
  • Hydraulic engineering
  • Environmental engineering


Works from 2023

Identification of the landslide area on the side slopes on the Suhareke-Prizren Highway by applying the Global Mapper software, Hysen Ahmeti

Identification of the landslide area on the side slopes on the Suhareke-Prizren Highway by applying the Global Mapper software, Hysen Ahmeti

The Utilization of Recycled Asphalt as An Environmental Responsibility, Muhamet Ahmeti and Blertë Retkoceri

The advantages of designing residential buildings with the minimum storey height allowed by standards, Nora AL Anssari, Drilon AL Elezaj, Ermal Osaj, Ilir Hetemi, and Arton Qorri

THE NEW NZEB HOMES SET BY EUROPE AND A CASE STUDY FOR KOSOVO, Kliton Bylykbashi, Besar Veseli, Shqiprim Ahmeti, Visar Krelani, and Luca Rubini

The new EPBD directive and the situation of green houses in Kosovo. A case study., Kliton Bylykbashi, Besar Veseli, and Visar Krelani

Regeneration of the Railway Line in Kosovo: Case Study Kosovo-Pristina-Podujeva And Prizren-Xërxë, Beni Kizolli, Nol Dedaj, Hazir Çadraku, and Bekim Selimi

Digitizing Heritage: A BIM-Based Approach to Preserving the “Prishtina District Energy Facility's Chimney Stack”, F. H. Selmani and Driton Ibrahimi

Compressive Strength vs Tensile Splitting Strength at 2 and 28 days - an experimental comparative study, F. H. Selmani, Butrint Kryeziu, and Driton Kryeziu

Design and Environmental impact of an office building made by steel and timber, Bekim AL Tolaj, Shkumbin AL Hyseni, Ermal Osaj, and Ilir Dal Hetemi

Works from 2022

Analysis of how Accidents Affect Construction Projects in Kosovo, Muhamet Ahmeti

Impact of Civil Engineering in Energy Efficiency, Ines Bula, Muhamet Ahmeti, Blertë Retkoceri, Arbëresha Kastrati, and Visar Krelani



A simulation analysis model that impacts the vehicle end pedestrian (V=50 km/h), Nol Dedaj, Bekim Selimi, and Beni Kizolli

Practices for the Adjustments of Changes in Cost for Construction Projects due to the Inflation of Material Prices in our Region, Ilir Hetemi and Ragip Behrami

Carpool as a solution contemporary for the improvement of the transportation: The example of "Adem Jashari" Barracks, Beni Kizolli, Nol Dedaj, and Elham Haziri

Ukraine War impact in Civil Construction Materials in Kosovo, Visar Krelani

Build a green and healthy home - Radon Resistant New Construction, Driton R. Kryeziu, Mevlan Qafleshi, and Ibrahim Ajupi

The Impact of Digital Technology on the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Engineering Enterprises, Ylber Limani


Problems of contemporary buildings performance and potential ways of reducing indoor air pollution, Afrim Syla

Works from 2021

Wastewater treatment methods in Gjakova, Ilira Abdullahu and Erdita Bajraktari

Comparison of methods in calculating the bearing capacity of the foundation, Hysen Ahmeti and Arbëresha Kastrati

ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION OF THE COBIAX SYSTEM IN KOSOVO, Muhamet Ahmeti, Arbëresha Kastrati, and Blertë Retkoceri

The Architecture and Engineering Behind Seismic Characteristics of Buildings, Binak Beqaj and Driton R. Kryeziu


Analysis and Design of Structural Elements for a Closed Swimming Pool Structure. Study of the Connection with Bolts, Visar Gafurri and Visar Krelani

Irrigation rates and hydromodule in the new conditions in Albania, Andrin Kerpaci and Ilira Abdullahu


Environmental sustainability of precast and cast-in-situ concrete structures: a case-study comparison based on built supermarket facilities, Bruno Dal Lago, Davide Visconti, and Visar Krelani

Wastewater treatment plants – wastewater reuse and preventive measure, Afrim Syla


Audit of Road Safety Elements in National Road N25.2 “Prishtinë – Gjilan”, Gresa Xhemaili and Nol Dedaj

Works from 2020

The Importance of Pressure Management in the Distribution Network within a DMA, Ilir Abdullahu and Sokol Xhafa

Calculation of Foundation Settelments by Applying settle 3D, Hysen Ahmeti

Comparison of Plain Concrete and Lightweight Concrete and Their Impact on Climate Change, Muhamet Ahmeti and Driton R. Kryeziu


Practicing Professional Ethics in Engineering: How This Field is Developed and Its Importance, Ragip Behrami, Ilir Hetemi, and Arton Qorri

Application of modeling and simulation in the analysis of hydraulic systems, Ahmet Bytyçi and Blertë Retkoceri

Using Strater 3 Software in the Field of Construction, Hazir Çadraku and Hysen Ahmeti

The delineation of groundwater bodies in the Drini i Bardhë river basin in compliance with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 EC, Hazir Çadraku and Fidaim Sahiti

Identification and Reduction of Conflict Points Through the Round Circulation Proposal, Nol Dedaj, Adelina Nika, Albulene Zeqiraj, and Vehbija Nasufaga

Hydrological water balance of the Lepenc basin, Faruk Hajrizi and Izet Ibrahimi


Differences of Lateral Behavior of Buildings with RC Slabs without beams vs. RC Slabs with beams, Ilir Hetemi and Arbnor Hetemi

Analysis of the Sensitivity of the geo-mechanical parameters that affect the geo-mechanical stability, Idaver Huseini and Nexhmi Krasniqi

Industrial Archeology in the City of Gjirokastra seen from a structural perspective, Marjan Ivezaj

Towards Regenerative Buildings in Kosovo, Besa Jagxhiu and Fehrat Bejtullahu

Concrete conformity control according to SK EN 206: 2013 during the construction of the bridge B400 on the “Arbën Xhaferi”, Lekë Krasniqi, Driton R. Kryeziu, and Nebi Pllana

Impact of the Covid’19 in the Civil Engineering and Infrastructure field in Kosovo and region, Visar Krelani


Seismic Activity and Essential Seismological Characteristics of the Kosovo Territory, Shemsi Mustafa, Visar Krelani, Lulzim Beqiri, and Besian Sinani


Damage observed in structures of different types during the inspection after the Durrës earthquake of 26.11.2019 and proposals for their repair, Arsim Rapuca and Naim Mushi

The possibility of constructing the Lepenc sub-system as part of the Ibër-Lepenc Hydro System Project, Kosovo, Bekim Selimi


Passive control of structures – the dynamic case, F. H. Selmani

Seismic Isolation – Usage of seismic base isolation to reduce the ductility demand for concrete elements, F. H. Selmani and Agon Sadikaj


Building materials and environmental indicators for urban planning-exposure, Afrim Syla

Works from 2019

DMA zoning at Regional Water Company Prishtina - Prishtina Distribution Network, Ilira Abdullahu and Sokol Xhafa

Workplace Risk Assessment Methods - Kosovo Case, Muhamet Ahmeti and Hazir Çadraku


Comparative Design Aspects of Reinforced Concrete Liquid Retaining Structures, Ragip Behrami, Ilir Hetemi, Driton R. Kryeziu, and Ermal Osaj

Housing Buildings, Interrelation Between Structures and Functionality, Binak Beqaj and Gent Hasimja

Application Design of Experiments in Production of Fresh Concrete, Ahmet Bytyçi and Visar Krelani

Assessment of Groundwater Quality Status for Irrigation in the Northwest Part of the Dukagjini Basin, Kosovo, Hazir Çadraku, Fisnik Laha, and Agron Shala

Audit of road traffic safety elements in the city of Shtime, Nol Dedaj, Fjolla Abazi, and Zana Prelvukaj

Rubberized Asphalt Moving Towards Environmental Sustainable Roads, Fatlind Dervishi and Bekim Selimi

Methods for treatment of industrial wastewater by the drying of the lignite, Faruk Hajrizi and Izet Ibrahimi

Criteria for Concrete Construction Control, Sampling and Their Maintenance in Some Cases of Study In Kosovo, Arta Isufi and Visar Krelani

Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Buildings, Besar Jagxhiu

Structural Defects of Objects: A study of school objects in Kosovo, Nexhmi Krasniqi

Personnel as Basic Element of Functioning Related to the Maintenance of Building Objects in Mining, Nexhmi Krasniqi, Idaver Edi, and Izet Ibrahimi

Environmental Pollution by Industrial Waste in Kosovo, Nexhmi Krasniqi and Djellza Prebreza

Self-Healing Capacity Of Cementitious Composites In Different Environmental Exposure Such As Freeze/Thaw Conditioning, Visar Krelani and Driton R. Kryeziu

Application of Transparent Concrete in Eco-Friendly Construction, Driton R. Kryeziu, Armend Mujaj, and Fisnik Kadiu

Heavy metals distribution in sediments (f < 63 µm) of some water sources in north part of the Dukagjini basin, Fisnik Laha, Hazir Çadraku, and Fatbardh Gashi

Towards Urban Dynamics of Transition Countries: Analysis of Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure: The Case of Prishtina, Ylber Limani, Blertë Retkoceri, and Lekë Krasniqi

Assessment of acustic pollution in the ‘‘Arben Xhaferi„ motorway and noise reduction, Vlora Neziri and Afrim Syla

Defects occurred during the application of bridge deck waterproofing in Kosovo motorway bridges and their prevention, Asrim Rapuca, Nebi Pllana, and Mustafë Buzhala

Analysis of Rectangular Concrete Columns with Hybrid Frp-Steel Bars, Besian Sinani and Muner Barfed

Hydrography and hydrogeology of the Blinaja River Basin, Kosovo, Labinot Vuniqi and Hazir Çadraku

Analysis of implementation of ISO 9001 standard in the Construction Industry in Kosovo, Jeton Zogaj and Driton R. Kryeziu

Works from 2018

Road Significance for Increasing Safety in Trafficking and Regulation of Legal Infrastructure, Milaim Ahmetaj and Muhamet Ahmeti

Application of the GGU-Footing Program in Geotechnical Engineering, Hysen Ahmeti

Analysis of Accidents in The Construction Sector in Kosovo, Muhamet Ahmeti and Mimoza Sylejmani

The Treatment of Joint Shared Spaces of Collective Housing Buildings- Case Study in Prishtina, Binak Beqaj and Gentjana hasimja

Mathematical Modeling of Technological Parameters of The Work of Bucket Wheel Excavators, Ahmet Bytyçi, Nexhmi Krasniqi, and Hazir Qadraku

Groundwater hydro-chemical types in the Blinajë River Basin, Kosovo, Hazir Cadraku

Assessment of Underground Water Quality for irrigation in the Basin of Blinaja River, Kosovo, Hazir Çadraku

Road Safety Audit Interaction Between Pedestrians and Vehicles in The Junction, Nol Dedaj, Alban Ramabaja, and Fatlind Dervishi


Rehabilitation of early-age precast concrete structures: a feasibility study on an industrial complex progressively built in 1940s-1970s in Northern Italy, Bruno Del Lago, Eugenio Berretta, Visar Krelani, and Luisa Galetto

Reconstruction of Sportive Objects – Stadium of Prishtina, Besi Duraku, Nexhmi Krasniqi, and Izet Ibrahimi


Investigation of Production of Brick with Waste Coal Powder Additive, Mehmedi Vehbi Gökçe, Semiha Akçaözoğlu, and Besian Sinani


Water Losses Management in Mitrovica region, Faruk Hajrizi and Izet Ibrahimi

Repair and Strengthening of R/C beams with carbon fibers and its application in our region, Ilir Hetemi and Arbnor Hetemi

Ferro-Nickel Slag (Drenas, Kosova) Use on Production of Mixed Cement for High Performance Concrete, Izet Ibrahimi and Muhamet Ahmeti

Improvement of Quality In The New Glass Through The Combination Of Fly Ash, Slags Of Ferronickel And Glass Residues, Izet Ibrahimi, Faruk Hajrizi, and Nexhmi Krasniqi


Challenges of Real Estate Appraisers in Kosovo, Marjan Ivezaj

Incorporation of the New Structures in the Historical Context, Besa Jagxhiu

Yu81 vs Eurocode in calculation of seismic forces, Arbëresha Kastrati

Assessing the impact of infrastructure for economic competitiveness – evidence from Kosovo, Visar Krelani

Self-healing capacity due to different exposure conditions based on Kosovo environment, Visar Krelani and Driton R. Kryeziu

Green Concrete made with Recycled Concrete Aggregates: Fresh and Hardened Properties, Driton R. Kryeziu, Armend Muja, Fisnik Kadiu, Visar Krelani, Besian Sinani, and Mevlan Qafleshi

Impact of planning and “profit driven construction”, in “Unsustainability of the city of Prishtina”, Elvida Pallaska

Existing masonry structures under seismic impact and their reinforcement, Asrim Rapuca

Mapping of Geothermal Features in Region of Ferizaj-Kosovo, Bekim Selimi and Hazir Çadraku